Unreal Engine 5.2 Preview

i… think it is here
at least that is what launcher suggesting for me :thinking:

Did they just rename the preview without updating anything?

It’s gone now. Does this mean stable version going to be released soon? No preview is available on the launcher and I really don’t want to recompile it from git. I wanted to do some performance testing.

Seen in Reddit:


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Try changing
Project settings > Rendering > Culling
change minimum Light Radius from 0.03 to 0.01


Its a beta product…

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I have 5.2.0 (non preview listed)…

I hit launch and the label changed to run the pre-req’s


RVTs still don’t seem to be working with the heightmesh. I’ll muck around but I can’t see this part of the tech as usuable; it’s actually gone backwards (for me) from 4.26 where it least RAN stable.

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Yep I have it too. It’s been Released :wink:

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2023-05-11 09-31-11.mkv (10.0 MB)
Strange issue with PCG when a very large area is set (Scale= 2000,2000,10).

Thank you so much for providing precompiled binaries for Linux so quickly


Hi All, There is a new thread for comments on the UE 5.2 Release

Unreal Engine 5.2 Released - General / Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

Inside Unreal | 5.2 Release Overview - General / Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)

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I still have this problem. Does anyone have a similar problem?

Unfortunately it’s a bug. Let’s wait and see if it will be fixed.

I found that the problem is not only with the shadows, but also with the reflections, as you can see in the video below. Yeah, the reflection disappears too.

In the video below I put a lampshade with two meshes (lampshade body and a globe mesh with emissive material) and inside the globe
I put a ‘point light’, all this in front of a mirror. You can see that when I move away from the lamp, both the shadow and the reflections (from the light from the emissive material and from the meshes) disappear. Note that when doing this experiment with daylight on, we see the reflections of the meshes disappear, leaving only the reflection of the ‘point light’.

Note: this is a problem with the new version 5.2, because in previous versions, with default settings, this problem does not happen.

Can anyone report this issue to Epic Game? The page with instructions for reporting a bug is this: https://www.unrealengine.com/pt-BR/support/report-a-bug.


I have a problem using 5.2,

im trying to compile PowerIK for 5.2 but i cant, the compiler giveme this error

Error: RIGVM_METHOD FRigUnit_PowerIK::Execute has 1 parameters. Since 5.2 parameters are no longer allowed for RIGVM_METHOD functions.

Can u help me?

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UPDATE “Electric Dreams Env” is available in the Epic Launcher now
Hi @RYRY1002 @scrcro @Fenda @ChadillacDad
Here is the Web link, but you need to go into Epic Games Launcher
as of 20th June 2023. Its 52GB, half size of “Valley of Ancients”

Electric Dreams Env in UE Feature Samples - UE Marketplace (unrealengine.com)

Open Epic Games Launcher Click Market Place in the Search Bar type
“Electric Dreams Env”. Click “Free” .
The message “Unavailable” will appear and go back to Page.
Click “Free” again, and do it until working!!
You MUST have UE 5.2 binary loaded or it will fail completely!.
I suggest you download to a HARD drive and the copy to your SSD.
You dont want failure out of space you will need 80GB whilst loading and

WAIT FOR VERIFY to complete this starts about 50 seconds after the download completes and contains ALL THE PLUGINS!!!

Documentation here
Electric Dreams Environment in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

The Learning Course
Building your own Environments - Electric Dreams Environment: Unpacked (epicgames.com)
Required System Specification here its NOT RTX 4040.
Minimun is RTX 2080
Recommended GeForce RTX 3080 (equivalent or higher)

You will need to load Unreal Content Samples Project from Launcher
to get the Car paint from path in File Explorer was called Strata now renamed to Substrate

Documents\Unreal Projects\ContentExamples\


Credit for putting up the announcement article about this
Unreal Engine 5.2 Stunning Electric Dreams Demo Now Available as a Sample Project (wccftech.com)

hi @rubink
I have patched the Twinmotion plugin 5.1 to work with 5.2 Epic binary.
see README.md its public so you can read
TwinmotiontoUnrealBeta-5.2-patch/README.md · GitHub

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Dear Unreal Team
i think DBuffer Decal has problem in ue 5.2 (has not effect in surface)(chris murphy’s method)

please check or fix this Thanks