Unreal Engine 5 is crashing when I try to reimport datasmith file. I have reimported the datasmith file at least 20 times already, but now it is crushing everytime I try it,
Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\Obj.cpp] [Line: 300]
Renaming an object (MaterialInstanceConstant /Game/10030070004_ILM_TO4_Rdwy_Inf_Improv_Design_L_R24-3DView-UNREAL_ENGINE_Terminal/Materials/Steel__Paint_Finish__Ivory__Matte.Steel__Paint_Finish__Ivory__Matte_2) on top of an existing object (MaterialInstanceConstant /Game/10030070004_ILM_TO4_Rdwy_Inf_Improv_Design_L_R24-3DView-UNREAL_ENGINE_Terminal/Materials/Steel__Paint_Finish__Ivory__Matte.Steel__Paint_Finish__Ivory__Matte) is not allowed.
this is the error that I get. Somebody please help, this is the second time I am starting all over my Project because I had this error before too,
Thank you very much!