unreal crash after reimporting datasmith

Unreal Engine 5 is crashing when I try to reimport datasmith file. I have reimported the datasmith file at least 20 times already, but now it is crushing everytime I try it,

Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\Obj.cpp] [Line: 300]
Renaming an object (MaterialInstanceConstant /Game/10030070004_ILM_TO4_Rdwy_Inf_Improv_Design_L_R24-3DView-UNREAL_ENGINE_Terminal/Materials/Steel__Paint_Finish__Ivory__Matte.Steel__Paint_Finish__Ivory__Matte_2) on top of an existing object (MaterialInstanceConstant /Game/10030070004_ILM_TO4_Rdwy_Inf_Improv_Design_L_R24-3DView-UNREAL_ENGINE_Terminal/Materials/Steel__Paint_Finish__Ivory__Matte.Steel__Paint_Finish__Ivory__Matte) is not allowed.
this is the error that I get. Somebody please help, this is the second time I am starting all over my Project because I had this error before too,
Thank you very much!

Hello there @MonteithVDC!

From your provided logs, a duplicated asset was renamed and left at the scene before the import. Try to locate for any cultrips in your project, and remove them.

Further details of this scenario can be found here: