Unreal 5.1 Skylight Occlusion Culling due to Global DistanceField

Hi. I am trying to render a cinematic of a landscape but the Global DistanceField is actively affecting my skylight.

If you look closely there is a hard cut in the trees where they “pop”. I dont want this!
For we to see it clearly I scaled the Intensity.

And here is the visualization of the Global DistanceField.

And here the DistanceFIeld AmbientOcclusion.

I tryed to change the r.AOMaxViewDistance as sugested here, but that did not worked.

What to do?

In the Ultra Dynamic Sky the DFAO options in the Skylight section does nothing!


Have you try to crank up the Distance Field resolution in your tree static mesh editor ?

also, have you try to crank up the Distance Field Shadow distance in your Light ?


  1. Yes I did, but they are Nanite foliage so i dont think that would work.

  2. Yes, the UDS has a higher value by default, but just for checking I cracked everyting up and got no changes in the scene.

I see,

Just in case this might help you: https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/distance-field-soft-shadows-in-unreal-engine/

Also, have you tried to crank up the Lumen scene view distance in your post process ?


HOLY! Max Traced Distance was the only thing that i did not checked! TY VERY MUCH!


My pleasure :slight_smile: