Unable to serialize texture

Hi, I’m unable to serialize UTexture2DDynamic into array TArray which I would like to save to disk.
I’m using following structure as child of FArchive.

struct FImageArchive : public FObjectAndNameAsStringProxyArchive
	FImageArchive (FArchive& InInnerArchive)
		: FObjectAndNameAsStringProxyArchive(InInnerArchive, false)
		ArIsSaveGame = true;

Structure may be problem as well, not sure what type of Archive use.

void MyClass::SerializeTexture(UTexture2DDynamic* Texture)
	TArray<uint8> ObjectData;
	if (Texture == nullptr) return nullptr;

	FMemoryWriter MemoryWriter(ObjectData, true);
	FImageArchive MyArchive(MemoryWriter);

    // do something with TArray<uint8> data

But after serialization of texture, there aren’t valid data in my TArray. There are only 20 empty bytes and 4 bytes for “None” which doesn’t make sense to me.

Does anybody know how should I serialize texture properly ? This way doesn’t seem to work. Is Archive type wrong?

Could you at least point at any direction ?

Thanks, Jakub

Did you find a solution yet?