Unable to Launch Session due to UEFN Validation Error: Soft package <Level> is not referenced by any soft object path in asset


Since the recent upgrade to UEFN 5.6.0 v33.11 any attempt to use Launch Session fails on UEFN Validation with substantial number (probably all) assets in any of my projects on three different workstations with many of the following typical Message Log lines:

LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Soft package /a8210d3a-42c7-90a6-1cc0-a0ae49ff81e0/Levels/Landscape is not referenced by any soft object path in asset content/externalactors/levels/landscape/3/ql/29scqopemcxpyvzkttoufe.uasset.

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open any (larger) UEFN Project that have custom assets and/or devices that persist data using standard capabilities (not Verse related)
  2. Choose the Launch Session Button
  3. Wait for the progress pop-up to go through the common steps of Init, Prep, (client-side) Validation, Matchmaking and uploading… OK
  4. Fortnite will launch and connect, but without any actual sessions since the (I presume cloud-based server) validation fails with 300+ lines of:

LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Soft package /a8210d3a-42c7-90a6-1cc0-a0ae49ff81e0/Levels/Landscape is not referenced by any soft object path in asset content/externalactors/levels/landscape/3/ql/29scqopemcxpyvzkttoufe.uasset.
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Soft package /a8210d3a-42c7-90a6-1cc0-a0ae49ff81e0/Levels/Landscape is not referenced by any soft object path in asset content/externalactors/levels/landscape/e/3j/r3u21dzyeekiywcao1f8wd.uasset.

Expected Result

Fortnite never gets to a state with loaded UEFN Edit Session. It should eventually receive the uploaded custom island for creative development and playtest purposes.

Observed Result

Fortnite remains in common 3rd person view with tree. Shows on the HUD:

Push Changes to Refresh

But such changes can never arrive at session instance as UEFN Validation (LogValkyrie) from Editor side fails.


Windows 10 Pro (3x)

Island Code


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Additional Notes

It occurs to me that the number of LogValyrieValidation (UEFN Validation) errors (604) is roughly the same as the number of all *.uassets in my project that do pass the client-side Asset Check (679) as usual. Nothing really changed in my project. All development is now halted as none of the projects make if into an Edit Session inside Fortnite successfully.

hi @mobifruit ,
have you tried fixing the validation error tool
Validation and Fix-Up Tool | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community

Yes, I have tried, but not yet been successful. Do you have the same issue perhaps? This (I presume client-side) fixing tool neither detects the issue at hand nor does it resolve the matter.

Issue still remains in virtually all of my projects except for a blank template start.

Another attempt could be to radically remove all devices and reimplement those. Would be an enormous task… so haven’t found the time to do this.

What happens when you do a Build Landscape and filter out the yellow warnings ?

I don’t think its a device issue, they are all landscape based references.

If you type one of the invalid uasset file names from the log into the outliner like 29scqopemcxpyvzkttoufe it should filter to that actor and could indicate issues
If you’ve modified any landscape settings in the past, setting them back to default could help.

If there are 600+ landscape related issues… thats a lot of landscape actors, have you deleted any landscape ?

Are you using HLODs ?
Sometimes deleted content especially custom can cause issues

If so one test to indicate if its a HLOD problem or not, make a new HLOD layer in the Content Browser, in World Settings set your default HLOD layer to the new one and attempt to launch without building HLODs.

In particular, running the “Fix Validation Issues” on the Level asset from Content Browser does not find any problems and returns:

0 objects were automatically updated to resolve validation issues.

as stated in the Validation Fix-up category of Message Log.

The full Validate Project does not return any irregularities in category Asset Check either. The project validates client-side in UEFN. After usual Init, Prepare, and Validating okay, it uploads to the cloud infrastructure, launches Fortnite… then the LogValkyrieValidation errors (500+) appear under UEFN Validation (server-side?) and as a consequence an interactive game session is never hosted.

Fortnite and UEFN both show “Push Changes” to retry another upload; which will end up with the exact same errors.

Running a Build Landscape from UEFN’s menu does return a very large number of the same warning (3,600+) such as:

Athena_Prop_Bedroom_PoliceStation_01_C_UAID_3085A9982C487EF001_1428042199 Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMesh property 
Device_Collectible_Object_V2_C_UAID_3085A9982C48DAEB01_1779900721 Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMesh property 
Device_Collectible_Object_V2_C_UAID_3085A9982C48DAEB01_1779900721 Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMesh property 
Device_Collectible_Object_V2_C_UAID_3085A9982C48DAEB01_1779900721 More overridden materials (2) on static mesh component than are referenced (1) in source mesh 'Sm_Creative_ToiletPaper' 
BP_WindowFill_3x3_C_UAID_3085A9982C4802CE01_2075845086 Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMesh property

I think this has always been the case in my project: Many assets are modeled in UEFN (not with external tools like Blender) or borrowed from Fortnite through Content Browser and then instanced multiple times.

Following the “Docs” link explains that this warning could appear in older project where I quote:

“the Actor exists and is using memory, but does not have a Static Mesh to actually draw. This warning is usually the result of creating a StaticMesh Actor without first selecting a StaticMesh in the generic browser.”

Guess I should have used some additional step in my workflow before massive duplication… Not quite intuitive and fully clear to me.

But again, these are warning not errors that would result in UEFN Validation failing, or would it?

I’ve not come to the point of implementing HLOD, @Hardcawcanary.

Am I right to have the following default “Automatic” settings for my Landscape? Or should there always be a HLOD Layer instead of “None”?

For sure I haven’t deleted 600+ assets, maybe just a few. But not around the time the “Soft package” and “Found disallowed object type” issues arose.

By the way, do Level assets need to be in the root of your project, or is it okay the have them in /Levels/ directory? Might it have missed some upgrade script from Epic because of this choice?

Sorry I should have mentioned to ignore all the yellow warnings regarding NULL static mesh, I think its to do with the fortnite props that were made before a certain UE update that now gets flagged with this.
I mostly duplicate props and it doesn’t affect validation, uploads or publishing.
The current project I’m working on has 18000+ Null static mesh warnings.

Use the SHOW drop down menu to deselect the yellow warnings, we only want to see the the red errors.

big storm and 2 x 2 second power outages halfway through this post

The None in the HLOD layer is OK it will default to the world settings default.

Most props have this HLOD Layer option now.
I just restarted the computer and the editor isn’t open to provide the correct terminology, but essentially there is a the old HLOD system, which uses one default HLOD layer, and a newer HLOD system which uses more than one HLOD layer based on which part of the project is loaded for the client.

In the Content Browser, your Content and folders should be in your project root.
In the Outliner its fine, but I’ve seen epic staff advising to use folder names without spaces in them.
The way we organise our folders is only an editor thing and they are stored by the engine in a different way.

Re deletion, I was thinking more along the lines if it was a HLOD problem.
Actually after looking at a few other errors the wording is like backwards to a normal soft reference error caused by a deleted asset…
Levels/Landscape is not referenced by any soft object path in asset content…

The last thing you typed,
do Level assets need to be in the root of your project, or is it okay the have them in /Levels/ directory?
I thought I answered it above raving on about outliner and content browser folders…but on second thought, I don’t think I’m understanding what your asking, can you show a pic of this ?

By now I have been able to track down almost all of the following assets that throw:

LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type

as mention in my bug report at:

It occurs to me that any standard gameplay Device (design-time definition of) setting a User Option - Function trigger event by any other Device will cause such “disallowed” error.

Why would (I think) 100% of my (zero coding) gameplay get invalidated since October 2023?

Or is this a side-effect of corresponding Soft package error or vice versa?

To longer I spend on this to more I feel these errors are related… but what is the root cause and how to resolve?

My single Level asset has always been sitting under /Levels and is -to my knowledge- only referenced from the GameFeatureData (Data Asset) in the Content’s root. That’s okay I guess?

It always cooked and ran like this…

Thanks, OK your level is named Landscape… I was wondering many silly things about 600+ landscape actors, he he

I missed your other post, usually always look at any post related to unable to launch…

From my experience,

The second picture with the engine function I’ve had before and the first picture with the disallowed objects, I’ve had similar.

Yes, I do think those and your observations are side effects of the problem.
It’s like the engine has an issue, then lists everything it didn’t get to do after that as invalid or an error.
Fixing the one problem issue resolves them all.

I haven’t put my finger on what the fix validation tool actually does, so many things come under the validation heading and it seems to deal with only a small part of it.

The load errors can be ignored.

I don’t use verse either, I think we can get a lot of standard stuff done without it… waiting for an idea that forces me there

Yes figure out this issue before you worry about world streaming and HLODs

The landscape does its own thing and does not depend on whether we stream or not, you can keep the streaming warning hidden,

the only issue with not using World Streaming comes from hitting the memory limit, which, unless the map is huge and clogs up the PC, only affects the ability to publish.
The streaming proxy children of the landscape actor are the individual terrain tiles, deleting one is OK and will delete the corrosponding tile,
deleting them all will remove all the terrain but keep the empty landscape root, which is probably undesirable.

If your getting the same problem in a few different projects, what is the common denominator ?
is it keeping your Level file in a Level folder ?
Perhaps they have changed things and now it matters for a handfull of assets, its an unknown to rule out

Check-in changes and make a snapshot with URC, then move the level to the root

I’ve poured another considerable amount of time into tracking down this “Soft package” issue.

By removing all event trigger between any gameplay devices I was able to get rig of the related issue of “Found disallowed object”. This obviously ruins the game. Why won’t it be possible to use a Switch to open a set of doors through the Lock device anymore?

I also deletes all the UASSET files that were throwing this Soft package reference error under “UEFN Validation” category in the Message Log. Again, not desirable, but I see no other way in my attempt to move forward and save what can be saved from 18+ months of project development.

This leave me with exactly one nasty Soft package issue that cannot be overcome:

LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Soft package /a6079421-45de-9b16-e5a5-ab9a1a6acd04/Landscape is not referenced by any soft object path in asset C:/input/Content/GameFeatureData.uasset.

The Output Log trace shows the following:

[2025.02.04-20.15.06:553][ 70]Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Landscape/GameFeatureData" FILE="D:/Projects/Fornite/Landscape/Plugins/Landscape/Content/GameFeatureData.uasset" SILENT=true
[2025.02.04-20.15.16:048][551]Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Landscape/GameFeatureData" FILE="D:/Projects/Fornite/Landscape/Plugins/Landscape/Content/GameFeatureData.uasset" SILENT=true
[2025.02.04-20.15.46:361][171]LogHotfixManager: Warning: Failed to find update context "RefreshAction". Using "Unknown" definition.
[2025.02.04-20.15.49:793][209]LogValkyrie: CheckPackagesNeedResaveToPassValidation took: 2.427545 seconds
[2025.02.04-20.15.50:780][225]LogValkyrie: Gathering intermediate assets to delete took 0.0 seconds
[2025.02.04-20.15.50:780][225]LogValkyrie: Intermediate assets cleanup took 0.0 seconds in total
[2025.02.04-20.15.59:180][717]Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Landscape/GameFeatureData" FILE="D:/Projects/Fornite/Landscape/Plugins/Landscape/Content/GameFeatureData.uasset" SILENT=true
[2025.02.04-20.15.59:258][717]LogValkyrieSummary: Checking for if the project can be uploaded
[2025.02.04-20.15.59:259][717]LogValkyrieSummary: Starting Project Upload - https://content-service.bfda.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com/project/#/3611cd6e-4a23-d001-19c5-d38f1fe5a6e0
[2025.02.04-20.15.59:259][717]LogValkyrieSummary: Syncing project Landscape
[2025.02.04-20.15.59:329][717]LogValkyrie: Refresh succeeded.
[2025.02.04-20.15.59:464][726]LogValkyrie: Saving project revision control settings to disk took 0.00 sec
[2025.02.04-20.15.59:844][749]LogValkyrie: Syncing project Landscape with content service took  0.52 sec
[2025.02.04-20.16.18:319][785]LogValkyrieValidation: Display: Selecting allow lists for role 'VKCreateUGC'
[2025.02.04-20.16.21:913][916]LogValkyrieSummary: Starting to upload file for module creation
[2025.02.04-20.16.21:913][916]LogValkyrieSummary: Attempting to upload 1 modules:
[2025.02.04-20.16.21:913][916]LogValkyrieSummary:   Landscape
[2025.02.04-20.16.22:227][935]LogValkyrieSummary: Successfully uploaded 1 files for module Landscape:
[2025.02.04-20.16.22:227][935]LogValkyrieSummary:   Content/GameFeatureData.uasset
[2025.02.04-20.16.22:227][935]LogValkyrieSummary: Uploaded 1/1 files in 0.198552 seconds
[2025.02.04-20.16.22:915][975]LogValkyrieSummary: Successfully created module
[2025.02.04-20.16.23:001][975]LogValkyrieSummary: Creating Module Version
[2025.02.04-20.16.43:870][211]LogValkyrieSyncProject: Error: CreateModuleVersion error: Failure ErrorCode=errors.com.epicgames.contentsentry.validationfailure, Message=MODULE VALIDATION FAILED (job f012462f-9190-4dfb-a5c7-dc8b92fedd0b):
[SoftPackageNotReferenced] Soft package /a6079421-45de-9b16-e5a5-ab9a1a6acd04/Landscape is not referenced by any soft object path in asset C:/input/Content/GameFeatureData.uasset., Raw={
  "host": "content-service.bfda.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com",
  "method": "GET",
  "path": "/api/content/v2/module/a6079421-45de-9b16-e5a5-ab9a1a6acd04/poll/f012462f-9190-4dfb-a5c7-dc8b92fedd0b",
  "errorCode": "errors.com.epicgames.contentsentry.validationfailure",
  "errorMessage": "MODULE VALIDATION FAILED (job f012462f-9190-4dfb-a5c7-dc8b92fedd0b):\n[SoftPackageNotReferenced] Soft package /a6079421-45de-9b16-e5a5-ab9a1a6acd04/Landscape is not referenced by any soft object path in asset C:/input/Content/GameFeatureData.uasset."
[2025.02.04-20.16.43:870][211]LogValkyrieSyncProject: Error: CreateModuleVersions failed: see log for details
[2025.02.04-20.16.43:902][211]LogValkyrieSummary: Project Landscape failed to update
[2025.02.04-20.16.43:902][211]LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Upload -> Fail Activity: Landscape - Failed to create module version
MODULE VALIDATION FAILED (job f012462f-9190-4dfb-a5c7-dc8b92fedd0b):
[SoftPackageNotReferenced] Soft package /a6079421-45de-9b16-e5a5-ab9a1a6acd04/Landscape is not referenced by any soft object path in asset C:/input/Content/GameFeatureData.uasset.
[2025.02.04-20.16.43:904][212]LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Upload -> Fail Activity: UploadProjects - All uploads failed with errors
[2025.02.04-20.16.44:066][214]UEFNValidation: Error: LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Soft package /a6079421-45de-9b16-e5a5-ab9a1a6acd04/Landscape is not referenced by any soft object path in asset C:/input/Content/GameFeatureData.uasset.
[2025.02.04-20.20.20:659][101]LogValkyrieSummary: Destroying Valkyrie Beacon

Why the C:/input/Content/ reference on the remote cloud machine? Is that communication Beacon or Valkyrie component (behind it) known to be running on Windows instead of Linux platform?

Here’s a list of what I’ve tried within the Editor for Fortnite:

  • Rollback the project back to the point that actual published using v30 as can be verified with Island Code: 3677-0778-8629; I recall Launch Session continued to work up to v32 something, but is broken in v33.
  • Use the Content Browser function to moved the /Levels/Landscape.umap file to the Content/ root – no effect
  • Restores from offline ZIP-files meant as extra safeguard haven’t helped either.

I also create a new separate project using the Blank template and verified it launches okay. Strangely, any of the following Editor actions seems to break the UEFN server-side Validation:

  • Renaming the original Level asset(!)
  • Copying the original Level assets;
  • Adding a second Level asset to this project, and probably by extension
  • Migrating a Level asset from another project to this fresh project also invalides your work.

This -I worry- virtually leaves no options for correcting or restoring a project once the level breaks – in particular in relation to the “soft reference” to or from the GameFeatureData.uasset. Other steps taken with respect to GameFeatureData without luck:

  • Setting the additional Level as Default Map in GameFeatureData. Pointing to a copy, new level or migrated level all blocks with the same error message;
  • Remove the GameFeatureData file and recreate and configure it myself – not working;
  • Remove the GameFeatureData file and have the Editor recreate it as Launch Session will have the Editor detect it is missing – not working either.

Does anyone have a clue what’s going on and what I might be doing wrong? Do I need to define additional “Map Data” items to this GameFeatureData per se?

In summary, the root cause appear to be that a Level asset named “Landscape.umap” is not allowed to live in any subfolder like Levels/. The convention to place all UMAPs in Content/ root may have become mandatory. Probably around UEFN v32 or v33 I think.

The “Soft package Landscape.umap” issue can actually be resolved in fewer steps:

  1. In the Content Browser, Rename Landscape.umap (or any other possible reserved wording) to alternative – I now have Alcatraz.umap;
  2. Then use the standard Move function on the renamed Level asset and relocate to default Content/ root.

Hit the [Launch Session] button and verify your project now validates both locally and remotely through the Valkyrie Beacon. If the Edit Session successfully loads in Fortnite you are in the clear and can check-in the refactoring changes.