Unable to Launch Session due to UEFN Validation Error: Found disallowed object type <Level>.Landscape.PersistentLevel.BP/Device


Since the recent upgrade to UEFN 5.6.038773622+++Fortnite+Release-33.11 any attempt to use Launch Session fails on UEFN Validation with substantial number (probably all) standard BP and Device assets in any of my projects on both workstations with many of the following typical Message Log lines:

LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Script/Landscape.Landscape:PersistentLevel.BP_Creative_Player_Spawner_Prop_C_UAID_3085A9982C486BA001_1993785965, Referenced by:content/externalactors/levels/landscape/e/s8/azz2qylitiprwqqy8h2g71.uasset (Device_CRD_AudioPlayer_C),content/externalactors/levels/landscape/6/3e/efvf74ngxpwhlxiq4hrchy.uasset (Device_AnalyticDevice_V2_C), Plugin mount point:/a8210d3a-42c7-90a6-1cc0-a0ae49ff81e0.

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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open any (larger) UEFN Project that have custom assets and/or devices that persist data using standard capabilities (not Verse related)
  2. Choose the Launch Session button;
  3. Wait for the progress pop-up to go through the common steps of Init, Prep, (client-side) Validation, Matchmaking and uploading… OK
  4. Fortnite will launch and connect, but without any actual session loaded since the (I presume on cloud-based server) validation fails with 300+ lines of:

LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Script/Landscape.Landscape:PersistentLevel.BP_Creative_Player_Spawner_Prop_C_UAID_3085A9982C486BA001_1993785965, Referenced by:content/externalactors/levels/landscape/e/s8/azz2qylitiprwqqy8h2g71.uasset (Device_CRD_AudioPlayer_C),content/externalactors/levels/landscape/6/3e/efvf74ngxpwhlxiq4hrchy.uasset (Device_AnalyticDevice_V2_C), Plugin mount point:/a8210d3a-42c7-90a6-1cc0-a0ae49ff81e0.
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Script/Landscape.Landscape:PersistentLevel.Device_Trigger_V2_C_UAID_3085A9982C48781C02_1629670210, Referenced by:content/externalactors/levels/landscape/4/vk/xeimopg2hea8xa23zm1r8x.uasset (Device_CinematicSequence_C), Plugin mount point:/a8210d3a-42c7-90a6-1cc0-a0ae49ff81e0.

Expected Result

Fortnite itself does get spawned from UEFN during the Launch Session sequence. It should eventually receive the uploaded custom island as UEFN Edit Session for creative development and playtest purposes.

Observed Result

Fortnite remains in common 3rd person view inside the tree area waiting for the UEFN upload that cannot fully validate. Shows on the HUD:

Push Changes to Refresh

But such changes can never arrive at session instance as UEFN Validation (LogValkyrieValidation) from Editor side fails.


Windows 10 Pro 22H2 as well as 21H1

Island Code


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Additional Notes

  • Migrating the full Level and associated assets to a new empty project does not resolve the issue and shows the exact same behavior.
  • Also, attempts to use the Editor’s functions named Asset Actions > Validate Assets returns nothing (and does not jump to any Message Log section. Should it?).
  • (!) Another attempt by using the Editor’s Asset Actions > Validate Assets and Dependencies does list an alarming number of Asset Check issues (660) stating issues like:

/BlankProject/Landscape Validating asset
/BlankProject/Landscape contains valid data.
/Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultDiffuse Validating asset
[AssetLog] /Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultDiffuse : Package …/…/…/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultDiffuse.uasset failed to open. (FortValidator_FortExposedAssets)
/Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultDiffuse Errors logged while validating asset Package …/…/…/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultDiffuse.uasset failed to open
/Engine/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/Utility/MakeFloat2 Validating asset
/Engine/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/Utility/MakeFloat2 Failed to load referencer to validate it: Failed to copy package file to C:/Users//AppData/Local/UnrealEditorFortnite/Saved/BrushBounds_631: error code 1 /Landmass/Landscape/BlueprintBrushes/Materials/Internal/BrushBounds
/Engine/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/Utility/MakeFloat2 Failed to load referencer to validate it: Failed to copy package file to C:/Users//AppData/Local/UnrealEditorFortnite/Saved/M_Underwater_PostProcess_632: error code 1 /FortWater/Materials/PostProcess/M_Underwater_PostProcess
/Engine/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/Utility/MakeFloat2 Failed to load referencer to validate it: Failed to copy package file to C:/Users//AppData/Local/UnrealEditorFortnite/Saved/M_FN_WeaponOptics_Parent_633: error code 1 /Game/Packages/Fortress_SharedMaterials/Base_Material/M_FN_WeaponOptics_Parent

Are all my Fortnite + UEFN Packages corrupt since last update? Unlikely?

  • The Asset Actions > Fix Validation Issues almost immediately returns with Message Log (Validation Fix-up) stating “0 objects were automatically updated to resolve validation issues”.

Are devices like Device_Tracker_V2_C, Device_AnalyticDevice_V2_C and Device_GuardSpawner_V2_C still supported? I do hope so :-S

It occurs to me that the number of LogValyrieValidation (UEFN Validation) errors (604) is roughly the same as the number of all *.uassets in my project that do pass the client-side Asset Check (679) as usual. Nothing really changed in my project. All development is now halted as none of the projects make if into an Edit Session inside Fortnite successfully.


  • ItemCollect On Collected event is not allowed to trigger the actual Grant Item of a Device_ItemGranter_V2_C anymore
  • A Device_Switch_V2_C On Turned Off event is not allowed to trigger a Device_GuardSpawner_V2_C Spawn anymore
  • A Timer On Success event is not allowed to trigger the Enable function of a BP_Creative_Player_Spawner_Prop_C anymore
  • An AIPatrolPath On Node Reached is no longer allowed to trigger in order to transition and Go To Next Patrol Group
  • Timers are no longer allowed to trigger the Device_GuardSpawner_V2_C function like Enable and Spawn
  • WaterBody Ocean is not allowed to reference my WaterZone anymore so removed the former
  • Landscape has StreamingProxy children although Enable Streaming is unchecked in World Settings

Seems to me that (all of) the event system broke (in my project) although if validates okay. Why?

Those Soft package errors are all *.uassets of the (Keylock) Door Devices, Proxy children, etc. that have one of the problems mentioned before. Coincidence?


  • Do I need to use Verse instead of the above User Options - Functions design-time definitions or are event trigger functions still supported in UEFN 5.6?
  • Should the option to “Enable Stream” be enabled when my Landscape has ~StreamingProxy children?
  • Should I have uncheck the option to “Hide Enable Streaming Warning” just in case?
  • This warning states “The size of your world has grown enough to justify enbling streaming”. Should I? (when still experiencing Launch Session issues)
  • Can I somehow regenerate these ~StreamingProxy child instances for my project level or is this unrelated to this issue at hand? (safe to delete those anyway or not)

The following steps seem to resolve presumed inconsistencies in my UMAP:

  1. Create a new fresh project based on the Blank template;

  2. Migrate your launch-failing Level over to the Content/ folder of the new project;

  3. Rename (generic and possibly reserved and conflicting name?) “Landscape” to something like “Alcatraz” — note that you can only rename Level assets that are closed so you might need a separate dummy level;

  4. Close UEFN and restart the Editor and open the fresh project with additional Level;

  5. Move this “Alcatraz” Level asset to the Content/root;

  6. Duplicate the Level to yet another fresh name like “Island” to create new UMAP and have all referenced external actors be copied to new instances;

  7. Open this new Level and wait for it to load…

  8. From the opened Level choose to Launch Session of this “Current Level”;

  9. UEFN should notice by itself that the reference to the Level is missing from GameFeatureData and will suggest to [Register Level] – use this and DO NOT try to define it yourself by Edit of GameFeatureData in Content Browser(!)

  10. Wait for Fortnite to load into your Edit Session :sweat_smile:

Remark: Some parts of my custom gameplay as defined in IslandSettings seems to have been reset to certain defaults i.e. Battle Royale skydive instead of starting from Spawn Pads. But at least the so-called module cretion succeeds and the level loads!