UEFN Moderation Warning opens an Empty Blank Tab instead of a list of Moderated Assets

@FeedBuho Could I get your logs?
How to get your Fortnite logs

Also, anyone else this is still happening to.

Hey Flak,
We’ve been struggling with this one for a while now, here’s the log
UnrealEditorFortnite (1).log (3.2 MB)

There’s hundreds of codes by now that have this issue, here’s one of them 0485-9484-5737
Thanks in advance!

Yes this is still happening to a project I’m working on. I do not know what asset causes the issue as it is redirecting me to a blank webpage.

Could I get your logs?

Here you go!
UnrealEditorFortnite (1).log (3.2 MB)

I just sent over the logs. I really appreciate the help with this

Thank you so much, the team is taking a look.

its been 2- 3 months why is this not a priority?

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Hello! Something new? This problem has been going on for quite some time and they have not given an answer

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contacted support about this and not even 2 replies in they started talking about some completely unrelated stuff that i did not ask for.

fun fun fun!!!

Just happening now. What is even worse we can not launch edit session and the load screen is completly stuck


I don´t know where to find the logs, so here you have the complete log output

Complete OutputLog.txt (155.9 KB)

Hi. I still can not launch session

Here are our logs
Logs.zip (15.7 MB)

@Flak Hey there, this is currently happening to me. I don’t have a published code yet, just a private version (was getting very close to publishing then this happened all of a sudden). Code is 7267-8428-9470. Please let me know what else you need from me to help get this resolved. Thanks!

Log.zip (692.5 KB)

@Flak Good morning! If this has typically been something on your guys’ end and just needs unblocked let me know. I continue to look through my map check and such but have not found a solution. I was getting excited for an initial release this weekend but understand folks might just be getting into things for the week. Again, if there’s anything else you need to help resolve the moderation warning, I’d be happy to provide it. Thanks!

Hello, I’m also experiencing this issue. I’ve attached my logs if someone could take a look. Thanks!
Logs.zip (13.2 MB)

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@RookVanguard @Dodoeuonytb @Humongousdungus @DValdivia @Grandma_Bertha
Did any of you originals from this thread find a solution eventually? I was within a day of publishing a map when I got hit with this moderation warning and I’ve been unable to even launch a session due to it. It’s been a huge setback for me. I’d appreciate any help you might be able to provide. Thank you!

I’m 5 days into trying to debug this issue. My best guess is that some AI is looking at your textures and if it finds an objectionable body part your whole project gets flagged and there is zero recourse. You are SOL.

First you get a warning a link to the creator portal which just opens a new browser tab. Real nice.

Even if you can trick the engine into letting you publish a private build (try deleting the GameFeaturesData.uasset and let nature take its course), you can at least see a different error message in the creator portal.

There’s even a link to view the particular asset that has issues with it, but when you click that link, you get another error message:

After 5 days trying to read forum posts, hitting the discord, filing a ticket only to be told to upvote a forum post that’s 3 months old, I’ve just started from scratch.

I have a corporate client. There is nothing objectionable anywhere in my project.

I have a deadline. I have to put food on my table. I don’t get paid extra to figure this out. This is some top-tier BS if you ask me.