UEFN Accolades Server Logic not correctly modifying creative_dynamic_xp stat

Normally after a while of gaining Creative Accolade XP it would decrease your Bank XP Multiplier and it drains your Daily excess multiplier like this
grabbed from athena profile

    "creative_dynamic_xp": {
        "timespan": 71.93115234375,
        "bucketXp": 80000,
        "bankXp": 36237,
        "bankXpMult": 0.6504521369934082,
        "boosterBucketXp": 0,
        "boosterXpMult": 0.0,
        "dailyExcessXpMult": 0.0,
        "currentDayXp": 400000,
        "currentDay": 8

issue is when UEFN server modifies these stats using this struct FMcpProfileChangeRequest it doesn’t subtract the existing values thus replacing it with brand new stats that can be empty
causing a full reset which allows the user to infinitely get XP

Dynamic Data grabbed after loading into UEFN:

    "creative_dynamic_xp": {
        "timespan": 27.340225219726562,
        "bucketXp": 0,
        "bankXp": 0,
        "bankXpMult": 1.0,
        "boosterBucketXp": 0,
        "boosterXpMult": 0.0,
        "dailyExcessXpMult": 1.0,
        "currentDayXp": 0,
        "currentDay": -1

@ChurroFryer Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: https://create.fortnite.com/news/using-the-creative-and-uefn-bug-reporting-form
