UEFN Accolades Server Logic not correctly modifying creative_dynamic_xp stat

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Normally after a while of gaining Creative Accolade XP it would decrease your Bank XP Multiplier and it drains your Daily excess multiplier like this
grabbed from athena profile

    "creative_dynamic_xp": {
        "timespan": 71.93115234375,
        "bucketXp": 80000,
        "bankXp": 36237,
        "bankXpMult": 0.6504521369934082,
        "boosterBucketXp": 0,
        "boosterXpMult": 0.0,
        "dailyExcessXpMult": 0.0,
        "currentDayXp": 400000,
        "currentDay": 8

### Steps to Reproduce
Load into a creative map to lower your xp stat then load into a uefn map without accolades

### Expected Result
Your dynamic xp stat should reset 

### Observed Result
Dynamic xp stat was reset

### Platform(s)