[UE5.2.1, Bug report] ACharacter gets stuck in jump / falling / running state without controller.

When unpossessing a character while falling the movement state gets stuck and the character will forever keep falling.

Movement should in no case ever be depending on a controller.

Tick this checkbox on the CharacterMovementComponent which is not ticked by default:

Detailed case:

PlayerController spawning and possesing new Character - #15 by Koucen

The bug in engine code:



	// Perform input-driven move for any locally-controlled character, and also
	// allow animation root motion or physics to move characters even if they have no controller
	const bool bShouldPerformControlledCharMove = CharacterOwner->IsLocallyControlled() 
	  || (!CharacterOwner->Controller && bRunPhysicsWithNoController)		
	  || (!CharacterOwner->Controller && CharacterOwner->IsPlayingRootMotion());
