UE-187192 "PCG Graph on 2x2 Landscape incorrectly displays weight on paint layers"

Hi, Regarding issue: UE-187192 ( Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-187192) )
I’m creating this thread to try to figure out how to fix this issue in the source code.

Please contribute if you have ideas!

At the moment I am looking in PCGLandscapeCache.cpp.

Landscape with 1x1 component subsections:

Landscape with 2x2 component subsections:


Result 1x1 component subsections:

Result 2x2 component subsections:

It seems that the PCG system is applying weightmap values to the points incorrectly.
Perhaps the weightmap is being cached from the landscape incorrectly,
or the weightmap is being read incorrectly by the PCG system from the cache.
The further from zero the Y axis value, the more offset the X axis value appears to be:

1x1, correct values:

2x2, incorrect:

i have the same problem. I am trying to exclude landscape layers from spawning meshes on it, but keep getting incorrect results like in your pictures. This need to be fixed!