UAnimInstance is a nullptr

Dear experts,

I try to call a Montage from C++ and the code looks like this. However, the UE_LOG in red never gets called:

My AnimInstance I think is a nullptr. But why?
I am setting up the character with “SetMasterPoseComponent” and on the Jacket I set the Animation Blueprint:

How is it that my AnimInstance is null? Any ideas what I have to look for?

Thank you

Have you verified CombatMontage is actually set? You should really be using a debugger. Makes things a lot (I mean a lot!) easier.

Hello Pladux

yes, even in the debugger I can see that the UAnimInstance I have is null:

All I am doing in the .h file is this:

	UAnimInstance* AnimInstance;

Do I have to set it in the Constructor or BeginPlay() ? I thought it is there automatically.

I realized looking at this:

that I have to change some code. I did that and it looks better, AnimInstance does not show a NULL anymore:

But still when I test play the game, the montage “AM_Sword” is not played when I attack. Do I need to anything in the animation blueprint? I only created the montage “AM_Sword”.

found it, I have to add a “Slot” for the montage within the animation blueprint: