TSR.History.ColorArray - Fatal crash

When loading levels that include nanite enabled meshes or materials on a NVIDIA 3060 mobile running in both Windows 10 and 11 with either latest Studio or Game Ready drivers, the editor crashes whilst loading the level giving the message:

Assertion Failed: Resource->bProduced ¦¦ Resource->bExternal ¦¦ Resource->bQueuedforUpload

File:*ENGINEPATH*\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderGraphValidation.cpp [Line : 382]

Unable to queue the extraction fo the resource TSR.History.ColorArray because it has not been produced by any pass.

Chaning to another anti-aliasing mode resolves the issue.


Just got this error after updating to UE5.1.1 and it blocks me from opening a project that was working just fine minutes before on 5.1.0

Any other findings?


I also just got this error after updating to 5.1.1 on a project that was previously working fine on 5.1.0. Nanite enabled

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Same error when updating to UE5.1.1. I turned off realtime rendering under viewport options (Ctrl+R) to prevent it from crashing. I was then able to change the anti-aliasing and it did temporarily fix it. I still want to use TSR and will try to troubleshoot so I will post any updates if I find a solution.


Yes, seems like many people experience the same issue. Another over on Unreal Slackers. I just filed a bug report.

Workaround seems to be changing Anti Aliasing to Temporal Anti Aliasing if you can either switch off viewport realtime or switch over to another tab e.g. project settings before the viewport loads…


same here

The same.

same T_T


but i can’t even launch my project.
Is there a way to change to TAA via ini?

Same here, filed a bug as well (saw this post after I did so).

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Open the DefaultEngine.ini of your project and remove the Editor startup map so that it looks like this:


You should now be able to open the editor. Now you can go into settings and switch away from TSR.

That said, TSR is pretty desireable. I wish there was a way to go back to 5.1.0.



It’s working.
You have to wait to load your project and switch to another tab that is not your viewport, you have to do it quickly or it will crash after that you switch your projects Anti-Aliasing Method to Temporal-Antialiasing

ok thanks! this is working with TAA now!

but TSR seems broken with 5.1.1 -.-

Did you use plugin Ultra Dynamic Sky? I noticed that the engine crashes if I add “Ultra Dynamic Weather” on level. It happens only if the used Antialiasing Method is “Temporal Super Resulution”.


I use it, also thought that the problem might be because of this plugin, but didn’t test it. Also looks like DLSS is down as well.

Thank you! Good find. I removed it from my project and I can now use TSR.

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You still can use it, but need to disable particle options (Rain, Snow, Dust, Wind Debris) After options disabled engine not crashed anymore.


Just got this as well, 5.1. screwed me today

Wow! Amazing find, this seemed to do the trick and now my map opens up. Thank you so much! What a weird bug, sucks I lost my lightning flashes though

wow thanks! I can confirm the problem with UDS and TSR in 5.1.1.

Everything works fine with 5.1.1 and TSR until i use UDS!

We will wait for an update here, but its very important to know where the error comes from. I was struggeling a lot, because i cant downgrade to 5.1 anymore…