Ultra Dynamic Weather not showing landscape weather effects after 5.1.1 update

Hello I’m sure some of you have experienced the sudden crashes if you’re using both UDS and UDW.

Here’s the link to the forum post for the fix: TSR.History.ColorArray - Fatal crash - #14 by Auril3D

So I changed my Anti-Aliasing Method from TSR to TAA, it works now, but there’s no more puddles or snow on the ground like before. Any idea what’s happening? Or do we just have to wait for it to be fixed?

UPDATE >>>Scroll down on this post for how to update UDS to enable TSR again<<<

Silly me, I completely forgot when I reinstalled UDW I needed to reenable Dynamic Landscape Weather Affects. Problem is solved now LOL.

Also just a heads up to whoever had this issue, the creator of UDS released a new update just recently. I had to delete the whole UDS folder in my project and remove the local content for it in Epic Games Launcher. Then I reinstalled UDS in EGL, then added it again to my project. Everything is back to normal now

The old one is 7.6A, the new version is 7.6B. Once you have 7.6B installed, you should be able to use TSR again as usual. Cheers y’all!

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thanks for sharing the fix

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