TSR.History.ColorArray - Fatal crash

Same problem here, cannot play any map anymore because of the crash

Same problem here.Switched TSR to TSAA , problem solved

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From the UDS Discord.


Same here.
Was using TSR and UDS und ran into this error. Great to have a workaround though.

Update UDS fixed the issue

The creator of UDS updated it. Everything is back to normal now. Just delete it from your project, remove UDS’s local content from Epic Games Launcher, then reinstall it, then add it back to your project then you can switch it back to TSR with no issues.

I added the fix to another question I had earlier as well, with pics, here you go: Ultra Dynamic Weather not showing landscape weather effects after 5.1.1 update

Just checked and can confirm from my own case that you do not need to remove UDS’ local content and you won’t have to lose all of your UDS settings already input to an instance in your world.

Simple exit your Unreal Editor, and then click ‘Add To Project’ to overwrite the old UDS files with the new ones. Then, open your project again and change Anti Aliasing back to TSR, and everything should just work as before.


Hi Guys,

Sorry about this regression. TSR dev for Chapter 4 finished on time for the release, sadly not for the 5.1 release that was a bit earlier and so many changes went into 5.1.1 causing these instability. The fix of this crash can be found already in 5.2 here: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/996d79a6b9a7a631aa8ad0577a3387b005d7c10f

Lukily it’s only a .usf file change in the Engine/Shaders/Private/TemporalSuperResolution/TSRUpdateHistory.usf and then just relaunch the editor without needing to recompile.

Another work arround is to disable r.TSR.History.GrandReprojection=0 in your project’s DefaultScalability.ini’s AntiAliasingQuality group for Epic and Cinematic settings, for instance:






Thank for your patience and my most sincere apologises for the regression.


Thank you @Guillaume.Abadie