Hey everyone,
I’m just making a quick post here of replies from thread so we have all the feedback in one place.
First of all, thank you for opportunity 
is probably not related to the marketplace itself but rather to the launcher, but can you please allow us to filter our marketplace items in our depot by category?
And I would like to see a few more categories for the depot: Learning Resources (stuff like the blueprint multiplayer tutorial), Demos (stuff like the Shooter Game) and Free (every other thing that is free and does not fit one of the previous categories)
Recently a new concept was introduced - Community picks. The concept is nice, however current implementation is not as good as it could be and in fact might hurt more than help.
It provide 2 slots for community picks out of 7 and first slot shows the product for one month, then second slot shows same product for month, while first one get a new month product.
Basically 1/3 of featured assets is set in stone for 2 months and will be fully refreshed only **6 times per year. **
is extremely static and goes against the nature of Marketplaces which are very fluid and get new stuff every week or even faster.
My opinion is based on User Experience with iTunes AppStore, Google PlayStore, Unity Asset Store, Steam Store and I believe that Unreal Marketplace should learn from their victories and mistakes.
Current system is not productive. I don’t have the data, but I believe after 2 weeks or so sales of featured product start falling and it’s not as useful as was before due to saturation. Next 6 weeks interest will fall even harder until it meet a stable rate of sales of featured product which is slightly higher than non featured.
During 6 weeks window a new product could be introduced which could perform better than the old one during period. For example, you collect Top-3 submission per month, why not using them in these slots after first period instead of same product for 8 weeks?
1. Real Time sales stats + separate column for refunds. (Probably going to happen soon, the sooner the better).
2. Community picks are staying on the front for far too long. Doing more frequent picks helps others have the opportunity to get more exposure as well.
3. Polls are a bad thing. People can easily redirect a lot of other people to vote for their package. You can easily find out what packages the community has liked the most by simply looking at how much they have sold. Start doing community picks from the top of the “most sales” list and go down.
4. We need to know the client emails or at least a way to communicate with our clients. We need to send them emails about new packs, discounts, updates, fixes, tutorials, free content etc.
5. We need a way to verify our clients. Could be using the order ID.
6. We need to be able to update our own packages. (instead of sending the files to epic and waiting days or weeks for it to happen).
7. We need to be able to edit our package descriptions and images. (instead of asking epic to add text or that image, which again takes days to weeks).
8. I know all the reasons why Epic pays sellers with a 45 days delay. But I also know other marketplaces pay their sellers much more frequently. Some markets even pay sellers weekly. Why not shake it a little and do it like others? 
9 I remember when someone mentioned why is that while Epic is taking 30% they have so little focus on improving the marketplace and implementing tools to make life easier for sellers. And replied “Even with the 30% the marketplace is a break even”. I’d like to mention if it’s a break even situation it’s not because of anyone else other than Epic itself. There is a tremendous amount of manual work done by that can be automated, some of which I already pointed above. The is probably at least 6 months old and literally the only improvement that has made life easier for us (at least me) is that we can mark our packages as 4.x.x compatible by ourselves instead of going through the emailing procedure.
I’d make another post if I remember something else later.
Wanted to add to the list that the option to find something in the marketplace is lacking and has been pointed out for a looong time that it is.
There is no options for searches except for one search box, you cannot specify what you are looking for, including lack of creators being able to add keywords to their submissions, which makes it hard for potential buyers to find specific items.
For example try searching for “Chair” and then searching “Furniture”. When you search for furniture you don’t find all the chair submissions. The search should be improved now, it’s not that hard to do and people has been asking for for a long time. The keywords should also be viewable, so people can find other related items.
Good News is Epic knows about it… Bad News is there’s not even a distant ETA:
Thanks for acknowledging . The whole Marketplace situation is very strange.
Epic can build engines that allow developers to create incredible worlds with ease.
But a simple sorted-list like Unity’s Asset-Store is missing for 2 years with no ETA!