Teleporter and Mutator Zones not working as expected

Hi all,

I am wanting to setup a teleport zone in my pregame area where if the player falls off the flying ship they get TP’d back above and dropped onto the ship again.

I have tried within the UEFN environment as well as within Creative mode and followed this tute ( How do you use the Mutator Zone Device in Fortnite Creative? - YouTube) but it still does not work for some reason.

I have tried On Phase - always / pregame. Groups A/A and A/B. On player enter / exit. And more. When the player passes thru the zone i get the shimmering FX but no TP i just keep falling. The lower mutator zone is outside of the big mutator zone as is the TP above.

Can anyone point me to where I am going wrong please.

Thank you for your time.

@OddButAwesome Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here:

Will do. I didn’t realise it was a bug. I thought I was just missing something :slight_smile:

At a glance, your zones look too close together. FN doesn’t always recognize a new zone if it overlaps another, or if a player is in both of them at once. Try scooting the lower one down or the upper one up just a little, so a character could stand in between them and not be touching either. Also, turn both TP groups off; they’re unnecessary for this setup. One last thing- go to Enable VFX on the mutator zone and uncheck it. This has nothing to do with your problem, but it makes things look so much better.


Thanks, thats some good info, explains a few problems I’ve run into that logically should have worked.

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I’ve moved the lower Mutator to have a decent gap (2-3 times player height) between them. Not sure what you mean by turn both TP groups off. I turned off the Target Group and / or Teleporter Group as per the pic for Teleporter_Pregame-ReturnTop. Neither one or both set to ‘none’ seemed to resolve the issue.

Given the tutes I’ve tried and the setup it should work I wouldv’e thought. but my player just keeps falling thru.