[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

NEWS 04.17.2022. I send to Marketplace new update for UE5. Please waiting.
This solution fully automates the process of 6-task rendering(In the future, I plan to change the interface to make it as convenient as possible.). I soon create new tutorial.

This widget does everything for you. All that remains to be done is to apply the settings and click the rendering button :slight_smile:

But first you will need to make a small adjustment.
Video Tutorial:

Example Lumen image :slight_smile:

NOTE: Now the style is made very primitive. I will update the interface style as soon as possible so that everything fits. UE style.

Update 04.18.2022. The update will be delayed for a couple of days, if you suddenly need this mode, write to me.
But I’m making a more user-friendly interface now than I did before.


NEWS 04.19.2022. I send correct update for UE5 version. I think 1-2 days and you can downloading new version.

I have finished working on changing the style and functionality.
Today I will release an updated video tutorial.
In unreal engine 5, I found that for some reason the style icons are not saved, so for now I have to make blue checkmark icons.

  1. New solution 6 task → Camera360_v2 → Blueprints → Widget → Settings → Widget_6_Task_Solution.
    In the future, I will make it more convenient to call this menu, while you need to do it through a folder.

Options Layer:
Format Export, Anti-Aliasing, GameOverrides, Camera → These are standard Movie Render layers. I think you’re familiar with them and Output Movie Render.

Create Job → This option for select Map and Sequence.
Convert Settings → This output projection settings.
Note → example settings for Movie Render CLI Encoder. This text, not functional.

Apply All settings → Save Settings.

This widget does everything automatically and fills in all the necessary data for subsequent rendering. At the end, you only need to add the final preset and press the Render button :slight_smile: and at the output you will get the final projection in the form of a sequence.


NEWS 20.04.2022. Update for UE5 finished.
Please closed Epic Games Launcher → Open Your Library → Camera360v2 and update.

I managed to make small changes in the interface. Now there is a status that the settings are saved in the preset.
This is the latest version of the plugin on the market right now.

NEWS 22.04.2022. Fix update Camera360v2 for UE5. I send to marketplace. Please waiting.

  1. Errors were found when working with the sequencer, if you decided to render the sequence not from the 0000 frame, then the conversion does not occur. Everything is fixed.
    Information about frame numbering is now taken from the sequence.

  2. Added a mask for FullDome mode. Now the output images have a nice look.

    The mask is in the icons folder. You need to save it and already use it to create a FullDome.


    Note: FullDome+Mask saved in png format.

I managed to use Camera360v normally in the version of unreal engine 5.0, but after I upgraded to Unreal engine 5.0.1 does not work anymore and appeared this message I would like to know some solution for this

Hello. I think I have an Issue. I can’t see the plugin in the content, even with show engine content and plugin content activated. To find blueprints I have to search them.

Hi, Ferraax!
Please download update Camera360v2 plugin from Epic Games Launcher. And you need destroy Plugins/Camera360v2 in folder your project.

Hi, Daniel!
Please check folder in content viewer → Engine/Plugins/Camera360v2

Hi i just purchased 360 Camera v2 and just want to render any 360 scene but i find it very hard, i saw your tutorials and every cameras are rendering exact same image. Is there any simple way to get 360 scene in UE5? Cubemap, Fulldome, Equirectangular anything will be suffice and i can edit in After Effects.

Hi, Who006!
I have received your letter, now I will check everything!

Hey ,

I was able to successfully export a 360 equirectangular video using the plugin. However when I bring the video into a headset to view, there is this very thin black line at the back. Any idea what could be causing it?

Video of the issue:

I watched your video called :Tutorial 2. Camera 360. Seams. PostProcess settings (New version) and followed the steps. It reduced the visibility of the line a bit but its still slightly noticeable. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Sure, no rpoblem, you need changes in PostProcess.
Vignette = 0.
Bloom =0.

This fix works for all versions of the 360 camera.

NEWS 05.24.2022. Fix Update for 6 task solution. Update in Marketplace
Please restart Epic Games Laucnher, and check Installed extensions.

To get started, as always, you need to activate this widget.

or Run this

What news?

  1. Added Cilindrical Projection.
  2. I added buttons for rendering. You can do the rendering again or make changes to the already rendered frames.
  3. Fix projection 360 mono for PathTracing.

And don’t forget change settings in CLI Encoder Movie Render .

The cylindrical projection works correctly up to 120 degrees. But I haven’t set up automatic image size correction yet. Therefore, you will have to manually select the desired image height size.
Here is an example:
FOV 120.

FOV 60 and not correct size image.

FOV 60 and manual correct size image in any editor.

NEWS 27.05.2022. Update 6 task solution. The update for UE5 has been approval.

  1. Please Restart Epic Games Launcher
  2. Select UE5.0.2 and find Updates;
  3. Find Camera360v2 and update.


  1. Changes in Interface - Now it is nicely decorated.

  2. Added Deffered Rendering → Custom Render Passes.

    You can do up to 8 post processes simultaneously. All final images will be converted to the desired projection
    Result test:

Note: EXR does not support these modes yet. This will be fixed in the future.
If you find any errors, write to me Lenina62-@mail.ru

In Plugins → Please activation Movie Render Additional Render Pass

NEWS 03.06.2022. The update finished in UE marketplacel. Please Restart Epic Games launcher and update plugin.

Today I finished working on the Camera360v2 update. The update refers to the 6 task rendering.
What’s new?

  1. Add support Stencil Layers. You can render any number of Stencil layers.

    In the project settings to display Alpha, you will need to activate

  2. Add Save/Load settings. You can save your settings and load them.

  3. I have added a small Calculator that allows you to determine the boundaries of the recommended values.

    For example, when rendering a 2000x2000 frame, you can get a 6000x4000 image. This means that these sizes are enough to get the maximum output image size of 6000x3000 or 6000x6000 (for FullDome). For example, for 4k and more, this is also enough.

In the near future I will record an updated video tutorial for 6-task rendering.

Video tutorial, sorry my english not very good :slight_smile:

good plugin
But it is very expensive
The price of the VR device is the same as this plugin

Hi, Farshi!
I understand your feelings. But nowhere else will you see such help for every user.

We can say that the cost of this product also includes individual assistance to each buyer.

Having bought the product, know that you can always write to me and not be afraid that you will be left alone without help. Whenever possible, I am always happy to come to the rescue.

Having bought a product once, you can be sure that it will pay for itself. After all, it contains a huge number of projections and solutions that may be useful in the future.


thank you for response
kind regards
happy developing !

NEWS 04.06.2022. Attention. An important message.
Starting Monday, I’m going on vacation for 2 weeks. If possible, I will check my email, but I am not sure that I will be able to be in touch all the time.

Please try to focus on the video lessons, I recommend watching them until the very end.

There is also a lot of information on the forum.

And youtube tutorials:


Hi! Please destroy this message and send email to lenina62-@mail.ru

Please check start frame your sequence, need start 0 or any, but not need -1 and more.

And tell me, folder check FaceBook, you cans send image?