Camera 360 - camera system for video and screenshot (2D, 180, 360, Dome 180, Stereo and Mono).
Video and Screenshot Camera 2D, 180, 360, Dome 180 and 3D(stereo mode top bottom) + rotation and more!
Rendering video and screenshot in Mono or Stereo mode for 2D, 180 and 360.

Link Marketplace: https://unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/camera

ShowCase 360 Video(4k, 8k):

Capture system:

  1. HighResShot system;
  2. JPG screenshot system;
  3. Matinee and Sequencer systems;
  4. Movie Render Pipeline.

Example: Example video and image.
**Youtube Chanel 360 assets use Camera 360: ** Youtube
YouTube videos : №1](Modular Seaside Town in 360. Unreal Engine Assets 360 - YouTube) , №2](Assetsville in 360. Unreal Engine Assets 360 - YouTube) , №3](Camera 360 - camera system. Unreal Showdown 4k 360 Mono 60fps - YouTube) , Raytracing#1, Raytracing#2

All Post Processing + No ScreenSpaceReflection
All Post Processing + ScreenSpaceReflection

**Don’t forget that you need a strong graphics card for rendering. Videos are recorded on GTX 1060 6gb or RTX 2080 ti. **
When recording a sequence, if the video card is weak, artifacts may appear due to lack of memory.
Number of Blueprints: 8
Number of Meshes: 14
Structure: 1


  • Rotations
  • ScreenShot (Key M)
  • Video recording mode (Sequencer, Matine, HighResShot, Movie Render Pipeline)
  • TAA, Motion Blur, DOF; Mono 2d, 180, 360, Dome 180.
  • Stereo (2d, 180, 360)
  • Setup is very simple
  • Look AT and Follow camera
  • Spline path
  • Target camera
  • Camera 360 itself does not transmit NDI, to do this you must install NDI programs (Spout and others). Tutorial Camera 360+Spout+OBS studio.

Preview System Tutorials:

All tutorials PlayList youtube.

Tutorial 1. Sequencer system in Unreal engine.
Tutorial 1. Camera 360 Sequencer quick setup (New version) - YouTube (NEW Version)
Render 360 VR videos out of Unreal Engine - YouTube (Tutorial English version from WINBUSH Channel )
Tutorial 1. Camera 360 Sequencer quick setup(old version) - YouTube (OLD Version)
Tutorial 1.1. Seams. Post Processing
Tutorial 3. Camera 360. Seams. PostProcess settings (New version) - YouTube
Tutorial 2. HighResShot system in Unreal Engine.
Tutorial 2. Camera 360 HighResShotSystem quick setup - YouTube
***Tutorial 3. *** Working with Adobe Premiere Pro.
Tutorial Adobe premiere №3
**Tutorial 4. **Movie Render Pipeline.
Tutorial 12. Camera360 and Movie Render Pipeline (High Quality Media Export) - YouTube
Tutorial 5. Raytracing
Tutorial 15. Archviz Raytracing + Camera 360 - YouTube
Tutorial 6. Raytracing Reflection
Tutorial 16. Raytracing Reflection + Camera 360. - YouTube
**Tutorial 7. Two solutions DOF. **

  1. Tutorial 17.Camera 360 and DOF. - YouTube
  2. Tutorial 18. Camera 2D Rec. DOF. TemporalAA. Full Dome 180 and 360 projection in Unreal Engine 4. - YouTube
    Tutorial 8. Custom rendering
    Tutorial 14. Custom Rendering Passes for Camera360 in Unreal Engine 4. - YouTube - HighResShot system
    Tutorial 14.1. Custom Rendering Passes in Movie Render Pipeline for Camera360 in Unreal Engine 4. - YouTube - Movie Render Pipeline
    Tutorial 9. OBS Studio. NDI. Camera 360
    **Tutorial: **Tutorial 21.OBS(NDI), Spout and Camera 360 - YouTube
    **result: **Camera 360. Realtime result. Recording OBS studio, Spout sender + Camera 360. - YouTube
    **Important/Additional Notes: **
    Some Post processing does not work, artifacts appear in the form of seams.
  • Vignette = 0 (In Post Process);
  • Bloom = 0 (In Post Process);
  • ScreenSpace Reflection = 0 (In Postprocess);
  • HeighFog and atmospheric fog workig , but if used -> Volumetric Fog -> Long rendering time, or maybe seams.
  • Directional Light - Light Shafts Off;
  • Exposure (Sometimes due to the uneven distribution of exposure occurs in the seam. Try to adjust the check Exposure method Manual and change Exposure value).
  • Ambient Occlusion (Sometimes).
  • Screen Space Global Illumination (Beta) - There are seams. You need to disable it.

**Known issue: **

  • Stereo mode 360-when rotated 180 degrees, the image looks inverted. It seems the Left eye and right are swapped, as this is a recorded video.
    I will try, if possible, to fix it in updates.
  • -Stereo 360 Experimental - Fixes the problem of turning the head. But there are artifacts. (Link information)
  • New Update for 4.23-4.25 added support 360 stereo, add mode and using Stereo Panoramic mode)
  • Unreal Engine 4.22. When raytracing mode is activated Raytracing Global illumination the plugin works, but very very slowly. A request was made to answerhub in the bug report of the engine. https://answers.unrealengine.com/que…0113/view.html . In the future, a new mode for working with ray tracing may be added.
    Received a response from the developers:
    This is something that is expected. Since the scene capture is running ray tracing on a resolution dictated by the render target, scaling it up and down will have an immediate impact on performance. it is directly proportional to the number of pixels, so a change in texture resolution from 1024x1024 → 2048x2048 will cause the ray tracing passes to increase 4X. RTGI in its current implementation is slow and very expensive. Keep in mind Ray Tracing is under active development so things may change as improvements are implemented with each engine verison.

Documentation: Preview , Tutorials

Attention 360 stereo.Stereo 360 modes are experimental.(more information old version stereo and)
last version stereo stereo 360 for 4.23-4.25)

Output limit:
*Sequencer: *16384x16384 px.
RenderTarget Texture: Recomended 4096 px for best quality.
HighResShot System: 16384 px.
Movie Render Pipeline(UE4.25): Not limit px (tutorial)


this could be a game changer for our production…curious about what other post processing it can’t do. Looks amazing!

Thank you for your interest.
Soon I will make a list of post processing, which is not recommended to include in the project.

In next update will added VR180 Mono and Stereo mode (Side By Side). Now there is a stage of testing.

Preview update 1.1. Camera 360. Update 1.1 for Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube

  1. Corrected 2D stereo mode to side by side:
    example: Unreal Camera 360 system - Stereo 2D mode side by side . 8k - YouTube
  2. Added VR180 Mono and Stereo mode (Side By Side)
    Unreal engine Camera 360. VR180 Stereo 8k - YouTube
    Showdown VR 180 8k stereo 60fps - YouTube

Any questions about the product, you can ask in this branch.

[FONT=comic sans ms]**Known issues, artifacts (unreal Engine 4 rendering specifics) **

  1. Objects that are very close to the camera that is capturing can cause divergence which makes it hard for a user to focus on the 3D image. Be careful with objects that get too close to the camera as this will cause divergence. While in some cases image divergence will not be possible to avoid, thinking about your camera placement can help lessen the effect. The following video shows how you can have different levels divergence in your images.
  2. Not All effects works:
    -AtmosphericFog, Fog (Sometimes visible seams (depending on the strength of the effect);
    -ScreenSpace Reflection (Sometimes visible seams).
    -volumetric light (Sometimes visible seams)

This message will be updated, as well as images.

Currently experiencing some very dark frames from the output. Occasionally one frame comes out at the correct exposure but for the most part they are unusable. I have turned off all post processing and exposure controls. Any idea what could be causing this?

Can you show the video what you can’t do?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eQJ-pKaYzE - quick tutorial setup camera

Can you send me Your scene with settings?
In which You have something does not work. I’ll check it out.

I just recorded a video. Work with postprocessing. The actor was attached to point 360.
Waiting uploaded youtube 5-10 min. And see this video postprocess https://youtu.be/1gVYSt7LGMU

Waiting uploaded 1-2 hours uploaded on youtube:
360 Mono mode + PostProcessing (No ScreenSpaceReflection) (render target 2048 px) : https://youtu.be/LzgZWd1OP0M
360 Mono mode + PostProcessing + ScreenSpaceReflection (render target 2048 px): https://youtu.be/JPoE_r5r9AY

The video shows that the 360 point does not accept the post-process. But, if we attach the camera to a Point_360, or on a Rec_360 actor put in a post-processing area, everything starts to work.

Please write, did it help you to solve your question?

Thanks for your response…we are still analyzing our scene…I assume that it is some settings on our level, we will keep you updated! Thanks for your demo with the post processing, we will add this to our process.

I Hear you. If you have any questions, write. WE will find a solution =)

Frequently asked question:
Appearance of artifacts in heavy scenes, how to minimize the number?
Answer: Such artifacts usually appear due to lack of video memory.
There are several ways:
**Method 1. **You need to check the boxes in the sequencer. In this case, the editor will close and start rendering in a separate window. This will reduce the memory load.

**Method 2. **

  1. You can render each eye separately. 360 Mono Left and 360 Mono Right.
    Then you will combine your results in post-production.This will reduce the memory load.

Method 3.
There is manual mode. I noticed that there are fewer artifacts in this mode than in the sequencer. But You need to check.

**Method 4. **Try changing the display mode. Jpg, Png.

Method 5. You can adjust the resolution of render Target Texture textures, the default is 2048.

Method 6. Replace the graphics card (this is a last resort).

If none of the methods helped you. I can create another way of rendering. It will be designed for weak machines.

**Bottom and top of the dark seams? **
This post-processing works, but you need to turn off the vignette. And the dark areas will disappear.
Vignette ON

Vignette OFF

this is the capture of sky sphere top seams. No atmospheric; no postprocess.
Thank you.

Can you send me a scene?
Even if the post processing isn’t on the scene. Usually post process the default is 0.5, you need to set to 0.
Be sure to put the zone post process and specify the value of the Vignette 0
Tell me, did the solution help you?

Standart Scene (no_post process)

Standart Scene + Post Process and Off Vignette 0

this thread will help you understand how your technique is incorrect and is equal to the left side in the linked reference image. causing reversed stereo when looking 180 from the cameras original position at export.
I’m just trying to help you. I’m a professional stereographer, and see people hit this wall often.
I would highly recommend you remove 3D from 360. It’s false with your technique currently.

Is there a step by step tutorial or documents for using it with Sequencer - I saw the matinee one but I already have a camera move in Sequencer and want to use all those animations - how do i render out ? and can u change the output directory to not be where the project is - this is a serious bummer if you have to render then move your files all the time - not to mention not being able to render to faster drives

Good day!
Excuse me. I haven’t been notified of your message.
Is it late?
My codes work with the sequencer.

Also, You can open the test level and see how the settings are made in it.

You can render to any directory on any disk using the sequencer.

If Nothing helps, I will record a new video lesson for You personally. Let me know, Did my decisions help you?

Thank you for your interest in my product and found the problem. You’re right about something. I’ll add this to the description of known issues.

I think to buy or not to buy, it is everyone’s business. But maybe I’ll try to do another update over time if I can.

I will read the article. Thank you very much. It will be very helpful!

You can personally send me or record a video that You can not or send a test scene.
I can look at Your project and tell you what might not work or explain the solution.

**1. For example, **You have a camera that works through a sequencer, namely the entire animation.
All you have to do is select Actor Camera Point 360 and in the Target All Transform row select your camera.

Then camera point 360 will take all the movements from your one camera.


2. Then, in the main level, as in the lessons, specify that the main camera was the actor’s camera rec 360.

**3. In the sequencer, **You can save Your movie anywhere. On any disk, in any directory.