[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

How can you install the V2 into Unreal 5? Just copy and paste?
Can you help me?

Hi, Fred!
I send instruction to email for you.

could you please send me this instruction as well ?

Good afternoon!
Write what questions do you have?
My mail Lenina62-@mail.ru

NEWS 04.05.2022. Today is the release of Unreal Engine 5.
I checked the functionality of the plugin. It’s all good. I will upload it to the store soon and the latest version of the plugin will be available to you. Please waiting!

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I updated my UE5 and now I have an error when launching a project.

"The following modules are missing or built with another engine version:


Would you like to rebuild them now?"

Both options lead to errors. Any fix for this?

quick tip. ElizzaRF is the developer of this plugin. Read his posts :wink:

Don’t worry, please waiting. I send last version for UE5 to marketplace. I think need waiting during the day. If you don’t have time, write me an email Lenina62-@mail.ru

:slight_smile: That’s right, you can send any questions either to the forum or to the mail Lenina62-@mail.ru

NEWS 06.04.2022. Camera360v2 added to marketplace for UE5.0 released.
Please restart Epic Games Launcher and download camera360v2 for UE5.

I have added some changes.

  1. For 6-task rendering, CInema Camera is now supported Spawned.

  2. IPD values have been added for stereo rendering in Pathtracing mode.

NEWS 04.07.2022. Mini update for UE5. I send version to Marketplace.
Added Flag effects for Camera360v1 → actor Camera Rec 360 actor.

After clicking apply effects, you will immediately have the selected effects applied.
For example, anti-aliasing and motion blur.

hey, i found a path tracing projection problem. switching to 360 path tracer view mode, the camera shifts a little. I will show it in the picture;) One is on Lit mode and my camera is perfectly aimed at the center of the cube.

In the second photo, I do not move the camera, but change the view to the pathtracer

In version 4.27 I am sure that the crosshair would also be in the middle

I’m doing something wrong ?

Hi, Juliuszek_1!
I just checked the version for UE5, you are right, there is a slight offset. Not problem, it can be fixed. I will try to do it soon. Thank you for finding the inaccuracy!
I will also check version 4.27 today.

Hi, .
It is possible to render 360 stereo image with 6-task or Rasterization solutions with proper (maybe built-in) features? Like proper eye-separation and focal distance.
Previously I used 6-task method separately for left eye (left camera with +1,5° rotation) and right eye (right camera with -1,5° rotation), and then used stitcher to get equiretangular projections. But the result is far from perfect.

I know that we can use pathtracing method, but it takes too much time to render in some cases.
Thank you!

but it only started with unreal 5, at 4.27 it was all right;)

I checked, yes, you’re right!
The code for implementing the necessary path tracing projection is different in the UE4.27 and UE5 engines, for this reason I think there has been a slight shift. As it turns out, things are a little more complicated here than I thought before, I need time to make the changes correctly.

That’s right, the shift is not quite correct using this approach.
Tell me is it important for you to have realtime changing shadows or do you have projects related to archviz?

In fact, there is a good solution, you can bake light and shadows using GPU LightMass, and then use the correct OMNI mode for rendering.

But of course in this case we can’t talk about dynamically changing objects, but you will get fast rendering and correct stereo.

I’m still looking for a solution to implement realtime stereo raytracing, but I’m stuck on some complexities.

NEWS 04.08.2022. Tutorial 1. PathTracing 360 Stereo And Camera360v2.

NEWS 04.11.2022. Today I checked the rendering using the asset of the city.

As it turned out, it is very difficult, but possible.

If you plan to use PathTracing, you will not be able to use Move Render or Sequencer, even without using Camera360v2, as failures occur. But if you need it, this can be achieved using the screenshot system that is available in Camera360v2.

But the results for a big city may disappoint you, as long distances are limited for path tracing. Or maybe I don’t know something, if I find solutions, I’ll tell you.

Everything looks great, but in this project there are unusual problems in the game mode. For example, problems with the sky, a city is hanging over it. Also, all the meshes of the actors of the cars are of the same color.


I also checked the work of Lumen. Looks certainly better than all modes. But it is worth bearing in mind that dynamic pedestrians, cars, actors, act dynamically and differently with each passage. For this reason, you can see their different behavior on all frames.
Lumen uses half of the screen space for global lighting and you can see seams from lighting.
But in general, the rendering looks nice.

And I could not check the performance of Ray tracing correctly in this project, there are some problems with the distance of rendering reflections in it.

For this all rendering i using 6 task solution and Movie Render.

I also have problems with rendering, 6-task rendering in this project is problematic. I was constantly unable to render my cameras.
If you have any problems, please let me know by email Lenina62-@mail.ru .

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NEWS 04.15.2022. Soon i send to Marketplace new update for UE5.
This solution fully automates the process of 6-task rendering Tutorial 6. UE5 Preview 1. FFMPEG, 6 task Solution, Rasterization, PathTracing - YouTube.
All you have to do is make some adjustments.
You should no longer have problems activating FFMPEG and other unnecessary things.
At the output, you get the desired projection in a separate folder.