[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

Hi , the problem is solved. It is caused by “virtual shadow maps(Beta)” of UE5. It will make shadow flickering. I change it to “shadow maps” then. Thanks anyway!

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Hi, Rasaid!
Thank you very much! This can be useful to many!

NEWS 02.16.2022. Note: Lumen and UE5.
Today I checked how Lumen works in UE5, and so far Lumen is not the best solution for rendering, but it works.
For example, I have done tests of several solutions:
Camera360v1 - solution tutorial Tutorial 28. Path Tracing 360. Camera Point 2D and Camera Rec 2D. - YouTube
Result (original files): DropMeFiles – free one-click file sharing service

Camera360v1 - using this solution Tutorial 5. New update. 6 task solution + Movie Render - YouTube
Result (original files): DropMeFiles – free one-click file sharing service
Lumen uses screen space, and when we render each camera (which is 6 cameras) we rotate all the cameras, we get seams due to rotation differences.

I read that Lumen will improve, but it’s hard to say what will happen next. For now, the best solution is to use Ray tracing.

But sometimes the seams are not so noticeable and it is enough to choose the best angle, or process it in a graphic editor and remove the seams manually.
I am still exploring options for solutions to eliminate seams, so I hope I can achieve better results.

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Hi,I have a project for ouput high res video in unreal4.27 and buy the plugin.It’s now works well and I see you mentioned 6 task solution may cause seams in dynamic particles or material.Is there any way to fix this? or can’t we output the 6 task at the same time in movie render?

You try this solution https://youtu.be/ThWoudKG5Lw?t=85 ?
HighQuality and not using render targets. Max limits 16384x16384. But working in sequenser, not movie render.

Tell me, do you have a stage for tests for 6 task solution, or a particle system that you plan to use? So that I can test?
My email Lenina62-@mail.ru

Hi Elizza, I have recently purchased the plugin, enabled it in the project and checked “Show Plugin Content” in the editor, but the folders are not showing up. My project doesn’t need Raytracing, so, I have not enabled it. Can you please tell if there is something else I’m supposed to do?

Plugin Enabled:

Show Plugin Content:


And you need Show Engine Content :slight_smile: And all plugins you see :slight_smile:

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NEWS 02.22.2022. Fix Update.
It was not possible to change the degrees for the FullDome and FullDome stereo projection.
The solution is working now. Working any degree 1-360.

You need restart Epic Games Launcher, find Engine 4.27 and check new updates.

NEWS 02.24.2022. Unreal Engine 5 Preview.

I’m currently adapting the plugin to work with for the preview version. When I’m completed code for UE5 Preview, i update this information.
I checked the operability of path tracing, it works fine in IE5 Preview! :smiley:

Great news !

for a composting job, I need to render 2 separate stereo sequence exr files
(a left exr sequence and a right exr sequence).
is it possible ?

Another question: is it possible to render an exr with an alpha background in path tracing (or another rendering option).

thank you

Hi, visionmaster2!
I will check the information today and write to you!

Hi, visionmaster2!
I will soon finish adapting the code for UE5 Preview, path tracing works there. I checked the alpha channel, it works.
Here are the resulting images in exr format.

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Super !
thank you :slight_smile:

Hi, I am using a master sequence with one camera built into each subsequence shot. I have ‘muted’ all focal lengths for my cameras and placed the 360v2 camera into my scene but it will not render anything but my original camera frames. Is there a working solution for this?

Thank you!

Please write to me email Lenina62-@mail.ru, and please send your settings sequencer.

Hi EizzaRF, I’m trying to take a screenshot of Facebook3x2 view in standalone mode, but the images don’t seem to be lining up. The final aspect ratio is always coming out to be 16:9. Here are the steps I followed:

  1. Add BP_Camera360_v2 to my scene
  2. Select Cubemap Facebook(3x2) as projection with X=3000,Y=2000
  3. Start the scene as a Standalone Game
  4. Set the resolution in the standalone game with command r.setRes 3000 x2000w
  5. Take a screenshot with command HighResShot 2

The output screenshot has a resolution of 3840x2160 and not 3000x2000 as can be seen in the attachment below

I tried arranging the sides in a small project, but the top doesn’t seem to be aligning.

Project: https://mica-cedar-ear.glitch.me/ (You can click and drag the image to rotate it)
Top Screen:

Apologies if this seems to be a basic question, but the images in the plugin’s preview are aligning correctly but I’m not able to do it in my project. Can you please tell if I’m doing anything wrong here ? My device resolution is 1920x1080 if that helps.


Hi, ketanbhokray!
You need using console command HighResShot 3000x2000 :slight_smile: and you see need size output.

NEWS 02.28.2022. I finished version for UE5 Prewiev.
PathTracing working perfect :slight_smile:

This correct FullDome 3d stereo.
I check all projections, and all working :slight_smile:

