[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

I see problem path you select, very strange

Try change folder to C:/FFMPEG

Hello, I have a problem with the same model appearing on both cameras at the same time

hello. I’m really enjoying your plugin. This plugin is really great. But is the stitching line still visible when using fog and bloom?

ue5.3.2, camera360v2, I found that it is affected by volumetric fog, but I need volumetric fog. Is there any way to use volumetric fog or use other methods instead?



Please check, there are many solutions listed here, perhaps one of them may be suitable for you. Usually it is always possible to solve problems.

If you using other plugins, you need check standart settings:

  1. Exposure - Manual
  2. Vignette - 0
  3. Bloom - 0
    4.Fog - need check better values
  4. Ambient Occlusion
  5. Light Shaft in Directional Light - false

Please look here information:

Hello Ivan, congratulations on the clear interface and the latest tutorials! However, I still have an issue with a 360 stereo render. When I launch it locally, it freezes after the output17 and it correctly renders the left camera. I’ve tried locally, but I’m getting this error in yellow:
[2024.03.21-16.46.50:219][230]LogMaterial: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Content\BasicShapes\BasicShapeMaterial.uasset: Failed to compile Material for platform PCD3D_SM6, Default Material will be used in game.
(Node TextureSample) Texture Sample> Missing input texture

and in red : [2024.03.21-16.46.50:229][230]LogMovieRenderPipeline: [230] Finished processing Camera Cut [1/1].
[2024.03.21-16.46.50:229][230]LogMovieRenderPipeline: [230] Finished processing Camera Cut [1/1].
[2024.03.21-16.46.50:230][230]LogMovieRenderPipeline: Error: Not all frames were fully submitted by the time rendering was torn down! Frames will be missing from output!
[2024.03.21-16.46.50:230][230]LogMovieRenderPipeline: Error: Not all frames were fully submitted by the time rendering was torn down! Frames will be missing from output!

Hi. Thanks!
Please using Render Remote, in 5.3 version → export freeze if using local rendering.
Try change SM 5 shaders to SM 6 version.
And try rendering in 2D, not using plugin, and check project, working rendering or not?

thank you for the quick answer :smiley: my bad the errors in yellow and red came when i use remote and not local (sorry). i am in sm6 version.

i will test in 2d in a few minutes

HI Ivan, the problem came from the plugin blackmagic ! now the render remote working :slight_smile: Thank you

Hi ivan ! My project crashed when it was rendered to the 7th process. Then I combined the pictures manually but the wrong picture appeared. Please help me see how to solve the problem. Thanks ivan.

What is the process after a crash when using the 6task solution in stereo in UE5.3 with render remote? The documentation mentions using start from output, but that doesn’t apply to render remote usage. Another question, I thought I understood from the documentation that enabling Synchronous Rendering/render all cameras speeds up rendering in UE5.3, but for me, it’s the opposite. Thank you

when i open path tracing ,grass disappear in my landscape,why?please help

You need using console command
r.RayTracing.Culling.Angle 0
r.RayTracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.CullAngle 0

Try this solution
When apply settings
You need open Sequencer → Movie Render → Load CurrentFaceBook3x2
And remove not need task


The rendering of all cameras has been added recently. Asynchronous rendering can add more load to the video card and for this reason it seems that rendering takes longer, since it renders all the cameras for Mono mode, and a more accelerated version for Stereo mode.
For this mode, yes, starting from a specific task does not work yet.

thanks,It has been resolved

Hi, I am in the process of creating a high quality 360 stereo video. The scene itself lasts a total of 5 minutes. I’m currently having a lot of trouble finding the best settings. Although I specify that only the first few frames should be rendered for testing purposes, it is still extremely time-consuming to compare different settings with each other in order to find the optimum settings. Is there a way to test different parameters via script in a batch job, for example, and have the results output in a folder? ideally with one screenshot each and information about the settings and how long the render took.

Alternatively, would it be possible to show you my current scene and you can recommend settings?

Thank you very much!

I recommended this settings for stereo:

  1. Anti-Aliasing


  2. Quality Output

This settings for 8k, 8192x8192 images size.

If you need to increase the clarity of pixels, you can raise this with Console, you need add r.ScreenPercentage 150