When the engine exits, changes occur in the Movie Render itself, so you have to change the functionality. But the value of actor completely repeats the functionality of the previous value.
Is it possible to render a 360 video with the ultra dynamic sky since I am having problems with the seams and I assume they are from the ultradynamic
Hi, your plugin is great! I have tested 360 stereo videos. But there is an error when I am using VR180 stereo.

Is this a bug or I’m setting anything wrong?
I checking:
My PC using video card - Nvidia RTX4090
Hmm, tell me your video card?
Try check all codec?
And change size 4096x4096
Hi, Just change size to 4096*4096 fix that error. Thank you.
By the way I’m using RTX3080Ti
Hi, my project will be using 360 V2 at the end so I have installed the plugin and while looking for other project issues in the output log I spotted this… any idea what this is?
Hi! You mean in package project?
Need look
Hi, I tried exporting 30 frames of 360 Stereo using the simple default 3rd Party game starter level. Followed the new tutorial video #2 here and referenced the setup instructions here. The plugin launched 148 render tasks and spawned multiple output folders. The camera images are sliced vertically, (except for one that’s blurry - landscape view - and only has 2 frames out of 30), the camera pictures are black and the end result has seams and blurred offsets.
Because I closely followed the instructions, I’m not sure where to start to fix these issues. I’m expecting 8 render tasks, an output folder and a nicely stitched stereo 360… Any advice?
For quick help you need write message here
Solution here:
In rare cases, the Camera360v2 is spawned twice, for this reason, the camera is shifted twice, and the stereo image looks incorrect.
If you see incorrect stereo, please check step:
- Perhaps you will additionally spawn Camera360v2 in LevelGraph.
You need remove code.
- Remove Camera360v2 actor in Level.
- You may also have to manually delete all the folders that you managed to render.
Hello Iván, I am doing a 360 stereo render and I have a problem with the right camera.
Renders poorly.
The left one performs in the center and I don’t understand why?
Can you help me?
Hello, I encountered some seam problems when rendering a 180-degree panoramic video. Please help me try to solve these problems. Please. The following is a screenshot of my settings. I followed the post-processing volume according to the data you set, but there are still seams in the rendering.
Good afternoon!
I wrote to e-mail. I’m checking the information. Please waiting
You settings correct, but
- Please update Camera360v2 to last version 1.4.0 fix;
- You can write your settings PostProcess to Telegram: Contact @Camera360v2
or please look recomended settings postprocess
- Directional Light
- Try check your CineCamera → Post Process Blend Weight → 0
Hey Ivan,
What’s the latest version for UE5.3.1? How do I update plugin? I reinstall it couple times and still get Version 1.3.5. Is version 1.4.0 fix available for UE5.3?
Last version 1.4.0 fix.
You need open Epic Games Launcher → Engine → Camera360v2 update
And check, if you see YourProject/Plugins/Camera360v2 need remove.
Hi Ivan hope you’re well
the process kept freezing in 5.3 so i updated to you 1.4 fix
How ever i cant get it to stich.
In manual conversion it does nothing so I tried covert last render at the bottom and keep getting the following message.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve tried uninstalling and re installing but nothing seems to work
All the best
Online help here
You apply setup FFMPEG in 6 task solution?
Please show me project settings → CLI Encoder → screen image
In 5.3 you need using Render Remote button for rendering.
Could not find the email you mentioned (double-checked unrealengine forum inbox also). Do you have my email I wonder?
Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru or telegramm channel Telegram: Contact @Camera360v2