[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

Hi! Tell me more information about problem, you can send test project?

Hi, i have just sent you the proj

Yes Alpha is quite important.
You make it sound like there is an option to not use a circular mask when rendering as FullDome? Is that an option? and if so, where is it?
So far when choosing FullDome actor layers come out completely black with no alpha, not only in the final conversion but throughout.

Hi @Ivan_Elizarov,

Could you help me with this issue?
My carpet texture appears to be ripped or stretched.


  1. In Project Settings → Alpha → Allow through tonemapper
  2. In Camera360v2 → PNG Format → Alpha → True
  3. Add your Actor layer
  4. Deactivation Camera
  5. Change projection to 360 or FullDome
  6. Start Render
  7. Result

I write to email, you checked solution?

Hi Ivan, I have a problem, I have squares after rendering.
I’m using unreal 5.2.1 no post prosses or ultra dynamic sky.
Hope you can help me :slight_smile:


You need add PostProcess → Exposure → Manual

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thank you, I still have this but its less disturbing…
there is a way to fix it ?

Hmm, i not sure what is it, try using this settings


Thank you, but i still have those lines :frowning:

This Vignette, i recomended look this recomendation

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If the solution helped you, please leave a review on the plugin, it will help me a lot :)If the solution helped you, please leave a review on the plugin, it will help me a lot :slight_smile:

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Hi Ivan, i have some problems using the 360 ( mono ) to render out an animation. I have some problems with moving people ( Anima axyz ) they are not working on the seams of the 6 camera’s.

Try next solution:
Before rendering, animation track to 0 and start rendering?
If you can send your scene, please to Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru

NEWS 08/02/2024. Rendering in Pathtracing in 5.3

If you using

Please change CineCamera → Lens → Width, Height, FOV to 40 for corrected render.

Thanks, i think the cinecamera fov to 40 did fix it. I can’t replicate the error that i got.


I am having this problem. I have tried with different scenes and the same thing happens but with the scene that comes as an example with the plugin it does not happen and it works correctly. What am I missing to configure? the settings in the “6 task solution” are the same

IF you using UE5.3, you see this error.

  1. Please update plugin to last version 1.4.0 fix and using Render Remote.


In the previous version, when performing mono rendering, only specific objects were rendered as PNG without having to add objects to the actor layer. However, after updating to the latest version, you had to unconditionally add objects to the actor layer. Was this your intention? Or is it a bug?