[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

Ok, I installed the latest version, followed your steps but it stops, and it gives me this error!

Thank you very much for the support

Please send this file to Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru ,need look

I’ve activated the plugins folder but I can’t see it!

You need find Engine/Plugin/Camera360v2 or you can using Search

Здравствуйте Иван, в нашем проекте нам нужно создать несколько 360 панорамных скриншотов интерьера дома. Какой самый качественный способ который можно использовать, без применения сиквенсера. Пробовал pathtracing, но он слишком зернистый. Другие способы были слишком мутными, возможно что то из настроек упустил. Могли бы вы указать на определенное видео по которому можно сделать качественный рендер 360? Так же есть ли функционал который можно использовать in a runtime, во время работы игры

i try this but still crashing when i press apply setting button. what can i do ?

unreal 5.3.2 / First time using a 360 v2 product but the output folder is not created and is stuck in the attached screenshot status. Please help.

You can show me problem in image?
If you see blured image → please check CineCamera → Focus → False or Disabled.

i recomended activation in PostProcess Denoise and check render?
You look tutorials?

Hi! Please write to me to email enina62-ivan@mail.ru, and i recomended send your project for test?
And record video your problem

In 5.3 Freeze problem, try press this button

NEWS 21.01.2024. Update 1.4.0 for 5.2 and 5.3

  1. Add Cilindrical Stereo projection for Pathtracing;

  2. Add Raytracing debug in PathTracing Solution. You can rendering in Movie Render.

    Lit mode - this defaullt view

  3. And for 5.3 fix problem freeze if using Remote Render

NEWS 21.01.2024. New tutorial

I have tried so far most of the solutions.
360 and cube map pathtracing
6-task solution
Pathtracing so far was not of the ideal quality we wanted. 6-task is better in terms of resolution but still has dark highlights on the corner of images there. But even if we fix that, we need some sort of automated runtime option, where we could trigger a function to capture a panoramic view at a runtime with as close quality to the game as possible.
If you might know how I could improve pathtracing quality let me know, or use any other methods.

This is how most pathtracing captures look like:

As far as I can see, Actor Layer still doesn’t work in FullDome. Tried it on 5.1 and now 5.3.2.
It renders the main normally and then whatever layers there are as black.

Something to look into when you have time :slight_smile:

When will the xy rotate camera animation stereo cylinderial be available?
Of course, I think you know it. Inside BP forcibly connects and renders, all outputs rotate on the same axis, resulting in bad results.

Is it meaning that we can render bloom and volume Fog by 360V2?


Got a new problem, not sure can it be fixed or not from your side, but the issue is, im using cesium plugin and the closest way to get a 360 mono is using your plugin, the panoramic gave me even worse result, I want to see if there’s anything you can do to make it look complete.


Please send your scene project, i record tutorial PathTracing for you and 6 task soltuion.

I’m thinking about changing the stitching method while I have to think.
You need alpha?
Yes, when using circle for mask, when stitch and converting, alpha not working :frowning:

I checking actor layers working, but you see black , not alpha.

Stitching and conversion work, but if mixing with a round mask occurs, the alpha disappears. You could apply a circular mask in any other program by simply applying a circle.

Hi! For Mono you can try