[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

Maybe you need using Master Sequence?

Hello, Ive had success using Camera 360 V2, however I am having one strange issue. The sequence appears to be messed up, as my character shows up as a static figure in the scene as well as appearing as an animated character in the scene at the same time. Also, there is a building which appears in the background that is not supposed to appear in the scene yet. In the viewport, and in standard render everything appears fine, but I am having this issue when I try to use the 6 task render.
Also the seams I am having are not an issue, I just had auto exposure in this render.

I also had a same problem in my scene

You can send this project scene for me to Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru?
I have not been able to find this problem. But I know that some have a problem with the fact that the object in the scene is Spawnable, try changing them to Possable in sequence track?

Can you tell me what might be causing it and how I can fix it? Thanks for your awesome product and service!

You can see the shadow issue in the static image as well if you zoom in.

You can show me all settings 6 task solution? What solution for rendering you using? You try using Anti-aliasing?

I am a bit confused; can you tell me why this box is appearing? I haven’t placed any object in the sequencer, but still, this problem is occurring.

Hey Ivan. You’re welcome and thanks! Using the 6 Task solution. Here are the settings.

That solved it, thanks Ivan!

Good morning, I use your plugin to create a 360 stereo movie.
I’m recalculating some parts. the movie has a range from 2200 to 3905 for a total of 1704 frames.
The files were successfully saved in the different “output” folders.

But in the union of the files Image.Left.FinalImage.####, Image.right.FinalImage.#### and StereoOutput.FinalImage.#### it only makes 1422 frames.

what happened?
Can I reassemble the Stereo file without recalculating everything?

Thank you


Try HighResolution → Off, and Anti-Aliasing → Temporal 16, Spatial 2

Please check, you using last updates?
A bug with the frame rate issue was recently discovered and it has been fixed in the latest version of the plugin.

Now, I’ve installed version 1.38!
So do I have to recalculate everything?
Or can I merge the files into the output folders?

Hope you can do a tutorial is about render ultra dynamic weather with camera360 v2.
I will very thankful

You can look information

Sometime i add solutions in this forum link.

Last version 1.3.9
Check the number of frames of the left and right eyes, does it meet your expectations for frame rate?
If you have saved all the folders Output0… and so on, you can not re-render your sequence, but do the stitching.

Try apply settings, remove not need task and start render.
Step 1. Remote Render and stop render.

Step 2. Remove not need task , save StitchLeft,Right and Output and start render from Render Local (look image)

which object should i need to convert can you please tell me

Thank you

I see that all your objects are correct. Can you send me your project and I’ll check it out?
Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru, problem two object in one place, yes?

turn off vignette means turn on but value make 0 and lens flare intensity make 0 and than try.

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