[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

Can you send your project for review? my email Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru
I’ll check what might be the case. You can check information first start?


hey, i get these errors while exporting (image attached) also the textures weirdly change from the first frame on. How do i solve this?

Please attach your settings:

  1. Project Settings Cli Encoder
  2. 6 task solution
  3. Sequence Track

I try to add possible solutions to this branch

Attached! Also I sometimes get different exposures in different places of the render (stitching areas) Like the last photo.


I recomended install last update 1.3.8.

And apply automatic settings for FFMPEG.

I do not recommend storing FFMPEG in documents or on the desktop.

In settings CLI Encoder, you copy correct settings:

In Post Process:

  1. Exposure → Manual
  2. Vignette =0

I just did a render test (cylinder stereo type).
My goal is to render from 0 to 1799 frames.
However, the rendering continues from 0 to 1501 frames only.

Customized at 30fps in 6 task solution.
But I think it’s constantly being rendered at 24fps or another type of fps.

Could you check it or can I modify it?

I love this update (1.3.8) that the rendering time has decreased.
I’m always thankful :smiley:

Can you erase the outline from that image?

Please activation Camera for working mask.

those are my setting

(idk why but) When I first used this plug-in, there were 148 of them
It has been reduced to 76, 40 pieces as you use it.
At the same time, the frame rate also seemed to be rendered at 27 to 28fps instead of the set value (30fps).

I’m really desperate. I’m also curious about why this happens. I hope this question is confirmed. Thank you. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Please show me Convert Settings. And i see you using EXR, try using PNG.
In path output i not recomended using Desctop for files.
Unfortunately, according to these settings, nothing can be said yet.

Hi. 6 task solution is not rendering in sequence. It opens a play window 6 times…

Please check infromation from here



Hi Ivan, I just started yesterday to use camera360v2, pathtracing solution. But now in a new project when I apply path tracing it is still in 360. How can I disable 360 in path tracing mode? Thank you!

The fact is that the changes relate to the engine shaders and this will work for all projects. Just return the 2D mode.
You need open Camera360v2 Menu → Pathtracing → Change 360 to 2D projection.

1 Like

Oh, it’s my fault
I uploaded the setting image again

For your information, even when it was png, there was a situation where it was rendered at a frame rate different from the set frame rate.

Good Afternoon. Im running into a bit of a problem. A while back i had the plugin setup and running nicely. Now i came back to the project and it only renders out 1 camera viewpoint / direction. I tried the fixes mentioned in this thread but i could not get it to work. Are there any potential new fixes for that problem that i did not see yet? Thanks in advance for your time and help.

Please send email to me Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru, or better send your project.
Situations are different. Have you checked, do you use a movie camera?
Try to remove from BeginPlay → Spawn Camera360v2

Thanks for the quick response. I removed the Event BeginPlay → Spawn Camera360v2 from the level blueprint. Getting same results. Iam using a movie / cine camera. Regarding sending you the project. Im not sure if i can.

NEWS 03.12.2023. Preliminary description.
Upcoming update 1.3.9 for 5.2 and 5.3.

  1. This mode works with custom rendering.

  2. Synchronous rendering for Mono, and better speed for Stereo.
  3. The absence of seams in Lumen.

looking forward to cutting many hours of rendering time :slight_smile: