[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

yes I’ve been using cinecamera, I have just sent you an email with a link to the project. Thanks

The solution was found by mail

News 15.11.2023. Attention UE5.3 Freeze Encoder.

In version 5.3, a strange error was found “Command Line Encoder Export Freeze (conversion and stitching) hanging”, sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not.

If your rendering freezes, try using Remote Render.
At the moment I’m looking for a solution.

I added this solution to Help Widget information:

Hi! Thank you for providing great plugin! :slight_smile:
“Stitch Image:” produces png file which resolution is 1x1.
How can I increase its resolution?

Hi :slight_smile:

These methods are no longer used, use Manual Conversion

1 Like

NEWS 20.11.2023. Update fix for 5.2 and 5.3. I am waiting for approval in the market. Preliminary description.

  1. Fix Offset for Stereo images;
    Now, when rendering any stereo quality, it is worth the correct direction of the camera.

  2. Fix FrameRate for video converting;
    Now fixed a problem where video encoding was always at 25 frames.

  3. Setup FFMPEG automatic.
    You no longer need to configure FFMPEG and go to the project settings. This can be done here. Now everything is automated.

4.Fix Quality output
Fixed an issue where the quality of the final image was slightly underestimated.



May I ask if the front screen of Camera 360 V2 can render 2:1 pixels? I couldn’t find a similar teaching method. I have a project that requires rendering the front screen in 2:1. If Camera 360 V2 cannot do it, I will consider using other software to do this project.

Can you tell which projection you are interested in? I don’t quite understand, is there any data about your project?

Hello, I’m not sure if this has already been discussed, but I would like to render with the pathtracing recorder in stereo 360. I tried running a test, but it seems that the trees and grass are not moving in the wind. When I look at the final result after rendering, the other elements that are in the timeline are animated and work fine, but the grass and trees remain still. I also tried enabling game mode, but when I press start rendering, nothing happens, and no rendering starts. So, I’m wondering how I can get the environment, including the grass and trees, to animate? I would like to use this rendering mode because the one with 6 cameras is too slow and generates too many files. I have a 4090, and I thought rendering would be faster. Is it possible that with Lumen, it takes 20 minutes per frame, and with pathtracing at roughly the same quality, it takes 2 minutes, and the result is excellent?

Hi Ivan,

thanks for your wonderful plugin!

I’m trying to render niragara particle systems for a dome projection. At the beginning and the end of them I have some issues with black squares (in the video at sec 2 and sec 15). Do know what I could do?

EDIT: I found the solution, I needed to increase the bounds on my emitter:

Hi Ivan!

I’m using camera360 v2 well
But there’s a problem.
When the cascade particle system comes out, an error occurs like the picture
Even if you change Emitter Normals Mode to Cylindrical or Spherical, there’s still a problem
Is there anything else I need to change?

Hi Ivan! :smile:The pro

blem is now, the screen in the middle is 1:1, how to render it into 2:1?


In fact, the total rendering time using Lumen is 1 minute per frame, possibly 40 seconds. But you need to use not 10 frames for rendering, but for example your full sequence. Try to do tests and you will find that it is more profitable to render more frames than to make one or more frames.

Try check version 5.3?

As for rendering animation using Path Tracing mode. The Path Tracing technology in Engine 5.2 does not support vertex animation.(for example, animation of the material of trees, grass). But I didn 't check it in the version .5.3, perhaps there are some innovations in relation to the grass.

Yes :slight_smile:
Bound scale for Niagara

I recomended convert Particle Cascade to Niagara. Please using plugin Convert to Niagara in UE.
try check tutorial from youtube

Soon I will change the approach to rendering custom projections.
In this case, you need to change all the projections, fov :frowning: . You use a sequencer for rendering, right?
You can send your scene for test?

Thanks for your reply! How to set the rendering screen resolution to 2:1, output a single camera screen, can you take a screenshot to tell me how to operate? thank you。
and When will your 2:1 version be released :face_holding_back_tears: :face_holding_back_tears: :face_holding_back_tears:

hello friend
I need your help

After watching this tutorial, I tried to output only the actors I wanted using a stencil buffer.
We are outputting a stereo image.
Images of other types other than stereo are output normally.
It does not work only when outputting stereo images.
(I tested it several times)

I wonder if it was intentional or if we are missing something.

This is the image we want, but it is not stereo.
We want it to run in a cylinder stereo.

Stencil Layers not working yet for stereo. This is quite a difficult task and I’m still working on it

Thank you Ivan,

I’m trying out the stereoscopic 360-degree rendering with the 6-camera tool, and I followed your YouTube tutorial exactly. The only thing I changed is the resolution to 4k; everything else is the same as your settings. My problem is that it takes about 15 minutes to render each stereo frame. Do you think this is normal? In your previous post, you mentioned that it should render in 40 seconds. Why is it taking 15 minutes? My setup is Unreal 5.3, 16-core CPU, 128 GB of RAM, and an Nvidia 4090. Ironically, with path tracing at 300 passes, it only takes 30-40 seconds. I still want to use Lumen, but 15 minutes per frame is too long. Do you think there might be an issue? Thanks!