[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

Yees, thank you!! :slight_smile:

Hello @Ivan_Elizarov

I have persuaded the studio that I’m currently working at to purchase your plugin.
I have watched a few of your tutorials and read the documentation, however I am having trouble rendering images with more than 12k resolution. without your plugin spitting out error codes or Unreal Engine crashing.

I need the output resolution to be 16000 x 8000 EXR image using the Pathtracer.
I am currently using your 6-Task solution.

When trying to render above 12k I get the following error:

I have attached my settings below. Could you please take a look and let me know what I am doing wrong?

I would appreciate some recommended settings on how to achieve the large render.

Kind regards,


Hi Ivan,
I keyframed my Focus Distance on my main camera that I would like to carry over to the 360 cameras. Is this possible? So that I have some nice DOF effects in the 360 render.

All best,

Hey there.

I wondered what is the best solution for pathtracing 8k Stereo?
I have 4080 with 64gb ram.
I am trying a stereo 8k image, but each frame is taking 20 minutes plus. 300 samples and denoiser.
What could the solution be?

I sent you an email, I checked the settings, as it turns out EXR still supports 3800x3800 px per camera using this method, which is 11400x5700. I’ll try to increase the limits.
Now you can try using this method, I’ve checked, it supports 16k, but it’s hard to say how it will affect performance in your project.

Please keep in mind that FOV will always be 90 degrees for all cameras, and you can always use any DOF in 6 task solution :slight_smile:

You can here all solutions for pathtracing.

You can also consider rendering Lumen

I tried adding a Post Processing Volume where I have keyframed the DOF. However it does not show in my 6 task solution renders. The volume is on infinite extend and on high priority.
Can you explain me how to enable keyframed DOF for a 6 task solution render?

EDIT: Nvm, I noticed that I had “Disable Multisample Effects” enabled :wink: I wonder how this will affect the overal video. I’ll let you know if something comes up. Thanks!

Try look tutorial CineCamera DOF.
Example result this settings



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Hey man, Hope you are having a lovely day so far. Thanks again for making this product. Most of the time its giving me awesome results. Currently though im running into a bit of an issue where i currently dont know where to find the solution. In certain cases when the lights are geting brighter it seems to not render properly. Attached is a screenshot. The render should look like the darker squares instead of the overly bright parts. Do you maybe know where i should look to fix it? We are using Lumen.

Thank you for your words. I definitely need to watch your scene here, as I have rarely seen such a mistake.
You can send a test scene by email Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru

Sorry for the late reply. I dont think i can send you the scene file because of the project. There might be another thing you might be able to help me out with though. Does camera360v2 support TSR? or any of the AA methods? I see alot of blotches / noise / dancing in my 360 render.

Hi Ivan,
I’m trying to capture Equirectangular (360 Stereo) with Camera360v2 on Unreal 5.3.2 on a map with Lumen and I am running into the these errors that I screenshotteed. I also included all the settings I currently have. The Output directory does not have any left or right images or stereoscopic final images. It has 36 Output directories. Is there something I’m missing?

The number of photos cropped is different between equirectangular (360) and equirectangular (360 stereo). Non-stereo takes 8 photos, and stereo takes 1444 photos, but stereo does not produce 360 panorama ​​photos. Is there a solution?

Yes, All support AA, you can attach your settings for checking


  1. Please off HighResolution
  2. Try change Path → to C:/TestRender
  3. For fast test, try using quality stereo 1.
  4. I see error range, very strange, you can attach Sequence Track? You track start from 0 ?

Hmm, Please write to telegramm chanel, tell me, images not created? Any errors?

NEWS 09.12.2023.
I was able to achieve accelerated rendering 6 times, and also eliminate problematic seams. I still have a lot of work to do, but I will soon prepare an update that solves some problems.

The good news is that rendering doesn’t put too much strain on your system, and engine crash is minimal.
Before Solution:

New solution:

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I need help. I used UE5.2.1 version to render “Equirectangular(360 Stereo)” using Camera360v2. No matter how many frame rates I set, the final left and right eye sequence frame and final up and down stereo sequence frame were output at 25 frames per second. Is this a bug in the current version?

Yes, please write to email Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru, i send fix file