[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

Usually, if you use this modifier Camera, these repetitions are trimmed.
Please show me your settings:

Can you send me your settings?

Hi Ivan, according to what you taught earlier, change the Niagara system: and Find Alignment → to Velocity Aligned Mandatory condition… I am using the UE5.2+LUMEN+Niagara particle system, but there will still be seams after rendering. Can you provide a detailed explanation on how to use Camera360v2 to render the Niagara particle system.

Hi Ivan, first off thanks for creating a camera like this.

I’m using the 180 FullDome 6 Task rendering, rendering and outputting as PNG. My problem is that when your plugin converts the renders it doesn’t keep the Alpha. It renders alpha correctly for each camera, as well as the Facebook output, but when it does the final conversion to FullDome the alpha is gone.

Hope you can help.

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Please using PNG and Output

and maybe here option

Today I have a plane, I will be available only in a few days.
I see that everything is fine with the fire, I see the seam only in the smoke, do I understand correctly?

For Quicly test Particle in realtime, you can Add Camera Rec 360 and Camera Point 360 to scene, activation realtime and check your particle.

Play Level and select in Level Your Niagara and Check problems in realtime.

Please check information about particle:

and here

I am using the 360v2 plugin very well.

I have a question for you.

If you use Time Replay Speed Control in a sequence, the frame number will be saved differently and will be the same as the previously saved frame number, overwriting the image.
In this case, what should I write in the file format number so that the frame is the same and it is not overwritten?
화면 캡처 2023-07-07 120322

Hey Ivan

I’m using the same settings as you have shown in the images, same problem. It seems to be a problem in the final conversion from Facebook → FullDome.

Please send email for me to Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru, you can send your result? and send your test scene?

I’m not sure what I understand correctly, can you tell me in more detail? :slight_smile:
Email Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru

NEWS 16.07.2023.Update in Marketplace.

  1. Fix Render Pass for FullDome Mono. Now rendering working for additional post process materials and stencil layers.
  2. Add new projection Face. This projection is focused on rendering all sides px,py,pz,nx,ny,nz

Please restart Epic Games Launcher and Update in Library.

23.07.2023. Mini update.
Now you can download the latest version of FFMPEG automatically. Just click the Download FFMPEG button.

I want to render a scene full of high fog and smoke particles. I tried to turn off the particles, but there are still seams

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Please check this solutions:

If not helped, please tell me Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru
First i recomended try check all settings in realtime → using Camera360v1, you need Add Camera Rec 360 and Camera Point 360, select projection 360 (use 6 cameras) and play.
And check all particles solutions.

Waddup! Sorry to bother you on a saturday but im running into a little problem that im having a hard time solving. I turned off exposure-set it to manual/bloom etc etc but i still keep getting these seams on the left and right side of the 360. Would it be possible to point me in the right direction regarding a possible solution? Thanks in advance!

Sure, please look settings for Lumen

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Thank you very much!

Hi Ivan,
What output resolution settings do I need to use for the 6 task solution, VR180 (stereo)?

Example for 4K, you need Select Quality Output Stereo = 4k, and Output Resolution = 4096x4096 (this aspect ratio 1:1). Result: 8192x4096 VR180 Stereo.

Example for 8K, you need Select Quality Output Stereo = 8k, and Output Resolution = 8192x8192 (this aspect ratio 1:1), output result 16384x8192 VR180 Stereo.

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Hi,Ivan,After I merge the rendering, the image will produce slits, for example, the color of the scene rendered by the middle camera will be different from the color of the scene rendered by other cameras. How can I solve this problem?

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