[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

Here is the second picture. Thanks!

Hi Ivan. Love your product! I’m having an issue with the frame size as shown in the first picture. And my settings are as shown in the second picture. Can you help me fix this? I’m sure it’s simple, especially for you :laughing: Thanks Ivan!

Sure =)
If you select Quality Size 5 → You see max quality for slize for output image. YOu need waiting 1444 task for final images. Creating a stereo takes time and I recommend making test renderings in advance to be sure of the result. All the resulting pieces will be stitched into the final image, try quality 1 for test.

You can try using Quality Slize → 3

example, this video using quality 3 and OnAxys.

Okay thanks! Will try it now

And quick question while I have your attention. I really mostly need to make a single stereo 360 photo, a video only sometimes. Is there an easier way to do this? Or do I have to just minimize the sequencer frame output to do this?

How could this happen,

Yes, you can using in Output Movie Render → Custom Frame Start - example 0 , End Frame = 10, Sometimes it takes time to load the entire level.

I am currently working on a fast render for single frames in the future, so that there is such an opportunity to make single renders faster.


You settings correct, but in Ultra Dynamic Sky → You need change Exposure → Min and Max , example 0.5 or any values.

And Please in 6 tast Solution
->Add Camera → Disable All Effects → True
→ Anti-Aliasing → Try Override AntiAliasing Method → None for working Spatial Count

If not helped, please tell me Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru

hello. I have a scene with lumen. whenever I render it with 6 task solutions(tried both render all cameras true and false). there are seams in the final render. Here in this page I saw some solutions that you told for lumen (seams in a scene that has lumen enabled). your solutions made it better but not perfect. (also there is no postprocessing volume in the scene. and in cinecameraactor setting I changed auto exposure to manual and min and max brightness to 1 ).
also Here I see the settings that you applied to render the “electric dreams”. I applied that setting too but it just changed the final results a little.
also I tried changing settings by myself (like overscan amount and all of other settings). but I couldn’t reach what I want. also I tried to use directional light, another sky. and in some of them results was better but not enough.
I have sent some images :

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I have one more problem:
in another level in the same project I have a forest. I tried to render It but images aren’t 1:1
I changed and tried a lot of settings but nothing happened. the aspect ratio isn’t 1:1

I see problem in PostProcess → Image Effect → Vignette 0
Or if you using CineCamera → open post process settings → Image Effect → Vignette 0
I think it’s helped.

Or you can check in 6 task solution → Layer Camera → Disable All Effects → True

Please check in CineCamera → Lens settings → Min 4 and Max 1000

And check render.
And please attach image your sequence?

this the screen shot:

Hmm, try change to custom?

If you can send this test scene, please send to Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru, please using dropbox or google, or megauploads.

NEWS 30.06.2023. Tutorial for Stereo Eletric Dream.


Video Result 360 stereo Electric dreams:

Video Result 360 Mono Electric dreams:

Time Rendering:

Hi there.

Question: does stereo path tracing support Nanite?

I was hoping to keep my photogrammetry assets high poly – but I’m not sure now if I should, because I don’t know if your camera supports Nanite, and therefore high poly assets, I’m worried, might slow down rendering speed?

Is it the same case for stereo lumen too?

Many thanks

i’m using camera 360 v1 in UE5.
I’m using ‘dome_180’ in v1. is there a ‘dome_180’ in camera 360 v2?
In the YouTube video, I didn’t see the “dome_180” option in v2.

Camera360 v1

Help, UE5.1, cam360_v2, as pictured, the camera sees something repeated, how to fix it

Stereo rendering uses the rendering of slizes, and they do not greatly affect performance, but the rendering time may be longer than on powerful systems.

Of course, a lot depends on the project, if it is very huge, it can take time, since each slizes of rendering is created using a task, and there can be from 148 to 1500 such tasks, depending on the selected quality of the slizes.
You can check last tutorial for Stereo Lumen

in Camera360v2 →

All methods and PathTracing support FullDome.

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