[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

Try this settings for Lumen

Yes,I am trying those settings,Now rendering,The reason for the slit is because Lumen?

Hi,Ivan,If i set highresolution , it Prone to collapse with gpu, may be cause my gpu memory is too low?

Tell me your video card?
Maybe in Project you activation Volumetric Fog or Bloom COnviction? It’s very hard for video memory.
Try using HighResolution 2 ?

At first I used the 3070ti, but after frequent crashes I changed to the 4090, and then stranger things started to happen,Volumetric Fog or Bloom COnviction did not activation.

Hi,Ivan,I turned off the camera option and this image appeared, and there was no output image in the fulldome folder

Ivan,If i use Ray Tracing,some model will change color to Fluorescent green,The shadow rendered by the middle camera is very different from other cameras, it can be said that the middle camera can not render the effect of light projected on the object. I have used 4090 and turned on the high resolution to try to solve it according to your method, but it did not play a correct effect. The properties of the post-processing box are also set according to your Settings. If the post-processing weight of cine camera is not set to 1, a black line appears. Could you please help me figure out how to solve this problem.

Hi! I recomended write to me Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru :slight_smile:

  1. If using Conviction, it’s very hard for video card and long rendering. I recomended using standart Bloom
  2. When you see One camera in all images, you need Add to LEvel Blueprint → SpawnActor → Camera360v2 and transform 0.0.0
    and check rendering.
    Tutorial 2 (New). 6 task solution in City Sample.Camera360v2. - YouTube
  3. If you see Green images, try in Anti-Aliasing → using Render Warp, example 128 frames.
  4. Try delete all Files and try again rendering, if you using FullDome, please using PNG.
    And please check folder Output → Fulldome
    Tutorial 5 (NEW) FullDome + 6 task solution - YouTube

Hi! I found the reason because the post-processing box turned on lumen, if you switch to screen space, this problem will not occur, but I need to use lumen, I have checked a lot of your solutions to lumen, but they are not feasible, is there a better solution?

You try using HighResollution tile count 2?
I’m working on a new solution for Lumen, but it’s still in production

Yes, I have tried, the result is the same, waiting for your new solution, thank you for your answer

I messaged on the app unreal page, but i think here is better… so Im copy pasting from there! Sorry for the double message!

Hi do you have a method that I can use to render the camera on my laptop and desktop to speed things up? should i just render half the animation frames on each machine? or is there a method where it will launch itself on 2 machines?

I have an 8000 frame render to do stereo 360 - and i would like a fast method to crunch through it as a test to check everything is ok, do you have some recomended settings?

lastly I tried the option B) “apply path tracing and recompile shaders”. Now how can i revert back to option A) in the viewport? I dont see a way to do that and even in lit mode i have some strange viewport bending.


  1. There are two ways. First, just copy the project to the second machine, then change the start frame and render on each machine, but with different frames.


or Apply settings for left eye and right eye


2.You need again change Projection Pathtracing to 2D

UE 5.2 default map
After clicking “Apply all settings” the error “Level sequence not found!” occurs

Please check → Create Job → And Select Current Map and Current Sequence

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Hi, I would like to ask if Equirectangular (360 Stereo) cannot use Layer Stencil to obtain a picture with Alpha?

Stereo output PNG does not have an additional image with Alpha like Mono
Stereo selection output EXR will be wrong

Stereo EXR Error:

Command Line Encoder: [image2 @ 000002384e9fb680] Could find no file with path ‘F:/MRQAlphaTEST/Image.Left.FinalImage.%04d.exr’ and index in the range 0-4
F:/MRQAlphaTEST/Image.Left.FinalImage.%04d.exr: No such file or directory

Hi, Killmars!
Please tell me, you using last update? 1.34 ?
I haven’t added Stencil Layers for stereo yet, but I plan to do it.
First i added Custom Render Pass

yes I’m using 1.3.4

Hi. I have a problem with the 6 task solution. I Can’t Get rid of seems. I did All the settings except High-resolution cause my GPU will crash(RTX 3060 12G). Can you Help?

Try select 360 stereo projection and Highresolution count 2, and waiting left eye (360 projection).
Stereo using minimal size images and memory.