[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

Hi, we are using the cam 360 (v1) what are the most important changes to camera 360 v2 At the moment we want to change from ue4 to unreal eninge 5 (5.1)

And is it possible to get a discount for buying the cam360 v2? If we already bought the first camera 360?

Thank you Steve for informing me, now you will have the opportunity to use different projections in conjunction with Panoramic.
This feature is in the 6 task rendering.

But very strangely it works on 4090, very slow. Or maybe I have problems with the drivers.

08.02.2023. Mini Fix update.

  1. I added for Manual Conversion a small converter of ordinary videos to gif. It helps a lot to make small notes on the forum in the form of animation.
  2. I made a fix that will reduce the number of errors when working with the converter. For example, the paths for your files may contain spaces and _ characters.
    But for now for FFMPEG.exe spaces and characters cannot be used in the path.

Hi ,
I recently started using Camera360v2 (great plugin btw!) and I have been trying to render out Equirectangular 360 stereo of my environment. I have two questions:

  1. Every time I send out a test render of 3 frames, after UE is done rendering, my editor says that my memory has been exhausted. By that point my three test frames are already in my files but the editor is really laggy, almost as if the plugin got stuck in render mode and was consuming GPU processing without actually producing any additional renders. Have you experienced that before? Is there a solution? My workaround so far is to recompile shaders back to 2D and then restart UE, but that’s a bit inconvenient. I’m using the PathTracing Record method from the drop-down menu.

  2. My renders have been coming out quite noisy. I have tried two different setting combinations.
    Combination1: in PPV Max Bounces = 3, sample per pixel rate = 3000, Denoiser OFF. In Path Tracing Record widget Sample per pixel Total = 300, Additional Samples = 100, Denoiser? Optix.
    Combination2: In PPV Max Bounces = 8, Sample per pixel rate = 300, Denoiser = ON. In Path Tracing Record widget Sample per pixel = 100, Additional Samples = 100, Denoiser? OpenImageDenoise.
    Am I doing something wrong? Anything I’m missing in the settings? My scene is fairly dark, but nothing crazy. I’ve had a less noisy effect come out of the Movie Render Queue following your DekoMatrix Demo, but then the image was really dark.

DekoMatrix Tutorial Settings

High Sample, no denoiser

Lower samples, denoiser on

ps. now that I’m looking at the two similar images that were done using different setting combinations I’m beginning to think the settings weren’t applied because the images look really similar…

09.02.2023 Attention! Error detected due to Hotfix UE5.1
This applies to the first launch of the widget when installing the plugin.

When using 6 task rendering, several rendering systems are used at once, a built-in plugin (Panoramic mode) and camera360v2

Please, when opening the menu, press 2 times on the mode you need. For example, Deffered Rendering.

And maybe crash engine/video driver or memory limits.

Hi, adojnow!

  1. I understood you. Apparently, after the rendering is completed, it continues to work. Just press the STOP button.

Strange, I haven’t found the problem yet. The render stops after the frames pass.
You can send here, your settings PathTracing record?

Combination 1.
PostProcess →
PPV Max Bounces = 3, sample per pixel rate = 3000, Denoiser OFF
PathTracing record:
Sample per pixel Total = 3000, Additional Samples = 100, Denoiser? Optix.
Noise reduction is enabled via Postprocessing and it will not work if it is deactivated in Postprocess.

Combination 2.
PostProcess →
PPV Max Bounces = 8, Sample per pixel rate = 300, Denoiser = ON.
Path Tracing Record widget Sample per pixel =300, Additional Samples = 100, Denoiser? OpenImageDenoise or Optix.

The main thing is that the Samples per pixel in the post-process should be equal to the Samples per pixel in the path tracking record.

11.02.2023. I’m sorry, sometimes new errors are found and I need to fix them.
A small HotFix 1.2.4.

  1. Fix Stitch formats. Fixed a problem 1.2.3 - with saving files when stitching. Before that, the format was always jpg.
  2. In Camera360v1 → fix activation Lumen. Now you don’t need to compile the actor every time to start working with Lumen.

All updates do not affect the basic functionality of the camera, but eliminates many problems.

Hi, I have strainge result at 360 images. How can I fix this?

I not sure what i see.
You can send your scene for check?
My email Lenina62-@mail.ru

This particle in scene or cloud?
For particle you can try check this solution


Hi, this is volumetric cloud from ultra dynamic sky plugins. If I switch to static cloud everyting is fine.

Hi , does this plugin allow users to render stereoscopic (3D) panorama WITHOUT using path tracing? I went through your latest video tutorial, only found how to render 3D using path tracing, but my computer is super slow, not efficient enough for path tracing. What do you recommend? Thanks.

You project very hard?
Please write to me Lenina62-@mail.ru

Hi, When I render 360 stereo there are elements in the landscape that disappear (picture Attached), Does anyone know why?

Is it possible to render 360 stereo top bottom without path tracing but with lumen?

Thanks in advance,

Hi, I was wondering if you could kindly help.
I used to use V1 but haven’t used it for a long time now.
I took advantage of the winter sale and got V2.
I’ve not had a chance to use V2 until now as I have a request from a client to generate panoramas for their project. This is a list of the different types of panoramas, their software can use:

Can use the following projection formats:

  • Equirectangular (For spherical panos)
  • Cubic, 6 Faces
  • Rectilinear
  • Cylindrical (for printing and QTVR)
  • Fisheye Equidistance Full Frame
  • Fisheye Stereographics Full Frame
  • Mercator
  • Transverse Mercator
  • Sinusoidal
  • Lambert Equal
  • Lambert Azimuthal
  • Albers Equal Area Conical
  • Miller Cylindrical
  • Panini
  • Architectural
  • Fisheye Orthographic Fullframe
  • Fisheye Equisolid Fullframe

I was wondering which one would you recommend V2 to use (My first thoughts are Cubic 6 faces) and if you could kindly point me to the latest tutorial video that would cover the process of generating a still panorama that would work for their project.
I’m asking as I can see there have been a lot of changes since I used V1 and I’ve yet to use V2. I’m also using UE5.1 so I guess there have been many changes since I used your solution in 4.27. So I guess I’ll need to know about all the various PP settings that V2 can and can’t use so that I don’t end up creating seams in the final image output.
Any guidance, much appreciated.

Thanks for your time.

Hi, RGapper!
I have received your message, I will write you a reply soon.

Hmm, try using console command r.RayTracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.CullAngle 0

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With the help of Camera360v2 you have the opportunity to make the following projections:

  • Cubic, 4x3, 6 Faces
  • GearVR, 6x1
  • FaceBook, 3x2
  • EAC, youtube projection 3x2
  • Equirectangular (For spherical panos)
  • Cylindrical (for printing and QTVR)
  • Fisheye Equidistance Full Frame: FullDome
  • Spherical projection

What projections can I add:

  • VR180 stereo
  • gnomonic’
  • rectilinear’
  • mercator’
  • sinusoidal’
  • pannini’
  • tetrahedron’
  • equisolid’
  • hammer’

I still have a lot of work to do to make this product complete.

I recomended check last tutorial for 5.1:

And this

I think this will be enough for you to get acquainted with the functionality.

1 Like

thank you, I’ll look into these now, much appreciated

NEWS 04.03.2023. Lumen solution. How to eliminate seams.
You need open 6 task solution.

1.Add Camera layer → Black pixel. To remove it, you need to increase the overlap. Try using 0.05 or more.

2.Add HighResolution →

3. Add Anti-Aliasing. At your choice.

4. Deffered Rendering → Disable Multisample


After: Image + Lumen! And no seams.

Settings for Archviz project:



NEWS 08.03.2023. Good news. Stereo for Lumen.

I am currently working on stereo for Lumen mode.
I managed to achieve the result and the correct stereo for the cylindrical projection.
I am currently working on improving the quality and automation of processes.
The update will be available for free to all Camera360v2 users.

I was able to make 360 Stereo lumen using 6 task rendering, but the rendering time is still quite long and I need to optimize many things for this.