Had a question for you re: the “manual conversion” of an existing render - and if there was a way to easily disable the “FaceBook” image sequence from being generated before the regular specified output. I’m just clicking on the “Convert images (6 task)” button, and specifying my Camera 1 directory.
I just ask as I have a very long framerange - and it’d be a huge time/disk save to be able to skip ahead to the regular spherical exports. Apologies if I’m missing something very basic/obvious here.
This plugin working in Runtime,
Some modes may not work. I usually recommend purchasing a plugin and testing it on your project. If you have any problems, write to me.
There is also no way to record audio.If necessary, you can record a sequence of images, but it should be borne in mind that not in real time.
im having a lot of issues as well, with getting anything to work…
someitmes it fires sometimes it doesnt, it also seems to be putting the wrong level in the movie render queue… it makes a new one that has the same name as the seqeunce, but doesnt exsist in the project
when i put in the right level manually it seems to work, but only on local, when i do remote it only does the first camera then closes…
it also isnt auto runing the stichting task, it doesnt run the convert
I need to think about it. So far, FaceBook is the fundamental projection, since the stitching goes first into this projection, and only then an additional conversion takes place.
NEWS 20.01.2023/ New tutorials.
I am creating lessons for the latest version of Camera360 v2. In the future, you can rely on them.
Tutorial 1 (New). PathTracing Solutions for rendering. Camera360v2.
After using 's most recent tutorial to set up a 360 stereo pathtracing render, I made a write up of the steps he followed in this tutorial video. It is by no means perfect, but felt it was worth a share as a supplement to his tutorial to anyone struggling to configure all of the necessary settings.
NEWS 28.01.2023/ Tutorial City Camplse and Camera360v2. 6 Task solution.
In this lesson, we will analyze the work of Camera 360 v2 on the project City Sample.
Odd, I’ve used this plugin before successfully (older plugin version, UE5.0.3), but now I’m having many troubles using latest Camera360 v2 version and UE 5.1
I got all cameras (1-6) to render a single EXR each. The Facebook generation then failed for some reason (UE crashed with a generic Exception Access Violation during Facebook stitching using 6-task). I was able to do a manual conversion since I had all camera frames, however I am now seeing that each camera rendered the exact same frame:
I separated all level actors/meshes from the Ultra Dynamic Sky Actor and Post-Process Volume (using Data Layers), and set everything except what you see in my outliner to Unloaded & Invisible.
unfortunately I run into constant seams across my renders.
I have disabled all nessesary Postprocessing Effects (Bloom, Vignette, DOF, Autoexposure, etc.) and also on the Main Camera - just to be double safe. Even then I have clearly visible seams in my Output. It seems like every Shot on the 6-Task Method changes the exposure of the camera slightly. I can’t really figure out what I am missing. I am using Lumen with raytracing shadows.
I would really appreciate your Help.
You Sir, are awesome! Thank you for your time and effort finding the solution!
Greatly appreciate your work and will support your developments wherever I can!
Just as an additional information regarding this Topic:
Since Unreal had its hotfix release to 5.1.1 yesterday, now the bug of HighResolution rendering out black images has been fixed meaning, that using a tile count of 4 and an overlap ratio of 0.4 in combination with an Overscan Percentage of 0.5 solved the issue of seaming in the final render as well. Hope this helps