[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

@Ivan_Elizarov When I change the projection to pathtracer 360 I am also facing this bug where translucent objects like glass are floating as displayed in the attached screenshot?
Any way to fix this?

Please change Projection to 2D, or change Reflection Raytracing to Raster.
Please tell me, you solverd problem crashes?
I send fix files for you

Hi , yes changing the projection from widget helps, I was worried, thank you for your support and great plugin !

I have one more issue, let me know if we can also solve this.

I rendered a pathtracer equirectangular 360 but I am getting a stitch seam. is it possible to eliminate it?

you can view my 360 image here

whats the best projection for 360 images? I am working on a project to create a virtual 360 tour.

you can see the seam here

I am using 50 spatial samples and 20 temporal samples

Hi! Tell me, what solution you using?
You using PathTracing?

Hi there, thanks for making this plugin!

There seems to be a major bug using the 5.1 version of this plugin. When using 6 Task Solution with Camera settings enabled, all six cameras render from the same view.

Example of issue:


Enabling the “Render All Cameras” setting fixes the issue, but I can’t render with “Output Resolution” setting above 3000 px without it crashing Unreal Engine. I’m assuming this is because rendering all of the cameras at once uses so much VRAM. I have an RTX 3090 with 24 GB of VRAM.

Settings with “Render All Cameras”

Example Output with “Render All Cameras”

We need to be able to render with “Overscan Percentage” to fix seams with Lumen, and using “Render all Cameras” is not an option for the resolution I’m using. Please fix this issue as soon as possible, because the plugin is currently unusable for our project.

Also, the “High Resolution” setting causes black renders in 5.1, but I don’t think that’s an issue with your plugin, because this also happens in the standard Movie Render queue.

Other threads have mentioned this as well, so hopefully, that issue can get elevated by the UE5 devs. In the meantime, you may want to update your store page with a warning disclaimer about 5.1, so others purchasing this asset know there are some issues.

yes pathtracing

I am using PathTracing solution and now I want to revert back shader changes so I can render stills as usual.
How can I revert to old pathtracing mode?
Thank you

Please update to Last camera360v2, today last version in Marketplace!

And try Add console commands:
r.Lumen.Reflections.MaxRoughnessToTrace 1
r.Lumen.Reflections.Temporal 0

Please update to Last camera360v2, today last version in Marketplace!
You need change projection to 2D.

NEWS 29/12/2022/ Fix update for Camera360v2.
Please update Camera360v2 from Epic Games Launcher.

The update fixes many problems that were encountered in version 5.1.

  1. Engine crash if you change shaders from the camera 360 v2 actor.

  2. 6 task solution - now the camera is added and removed correctly. Before that, there was a problem, the camera was constantly being removed from the scene.

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I am getting a seam in pathtracing 360, please let me know how do I fix it?

You can send image seams?
And try using 6 task solution → +Camera Layer → Overscan Percentage 0.1

Hi, you can download the 360 image here to check the seam

I see, please send email for me to Lenina62-@mail.ru.
and please check this settings, try using default value

Hello, I have a problem when rendering in camrea mode, upside down。

Vey strange, try change rotation Pitch or Yaw

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Thanks for your reply.
I tried, but different cameras rotate at different angles, getting the first one right and then the second one wrong :joy:

Hi, I was looking for a plugin that allows me to capture video and audio with ue4. Does this plugin work on packaged builds? or only while in editor?

Kind regards,
