[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

The problem was with the version of ffmpeg
Thanks a lot

Thanks for letting me know.

News 28.11.2022. Update for 5.1 in Marketplace.
Please find Camera360v2 in Library and install for 5.1 engine.

Hi , I’m still experiencing crashes with the plugin during 6-task rendering (mostly default settings but with Anti-aliasing module turned on). I’m not using 5.1 or the newest Cam360 v2 update for 5.1, I’m on 5.0.3.

It almost seems as though it will crash the render after the current camera completes if I click away from the unreal render window to another program while rendering.

I start render, then alt-tab and browse the internet for awhile. 2nd camera starts correctly, but when it finishes, the editor crashes and I have to re-open the editor, re-set all my 6-task settings because they weren’t saved, un-check the cameras that rendered correctly, then start the render again.

Usually when I hit Full Render (Local) and walk away from my PC the render will complete, but that hasn’t always been the case (if I notification comes up on my PC or some program steals focus from UE Render Preview window the render will crash after the camera completes).

I know above you suggested increasing the engine/render warm-up count, but that hasn’t made any difference. Also, I’ve tried rendering on both my RTX 4090 as well as a Quadro A6000 (48GB) on another PC. Same issues happen…

It might be worth asking an Epic Developer what could be causing the crashing. The crash log always states an Exception: Error Reading 0x011000[…] (memory read error), I just have no idea how to begin troubleshooting this further.

Please send email for me Lenina62-@mail.ru.
Tell me, you can send for me your project for test? My card RTX 4090.

NEWS 29.11.2022. Tutorial, information update 5.1.

This video tutorial shows the latest functionality updates for Camera360v2.
Unfortunately, my video tutorials are not very good, but I hope you will understand some new solutions.

01:15 - Camera360v1 (new projection Spherical Mirror nad Lumen support)
04:00 - Menu Camera360v2 in Editor.
05:06 - Realtime Raytracing (Experimental).
14:12 - PathTracing record in Editor or Game.
20:18 - 6 task solution. Synchronous rendering of all cameras (This is a difficult decision for a computer, since rendering takes place at once with 6 cameras at the same time.)

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NEWS 30.01.2022. Video Test Lumen.
Rendering video in 8k

Total rendering time: I will try to make the pixel quality even higher.
Now the rendering took place 2500 pixels for 1 camera.
Rendering 2400 frames - took roughly 1 hour.
Stitching and conversion: 15-20 minutes And
transcoding to video format ~ 10 minutes.

Using CitySample project + Lumen. Projection 360 mono. The results may vary depending on your computer.
My system: Gigabyte OC RTX4090 AMD 9 5900x 64 gb rab - Trident.

Hi, sorry to bother… I did all the steps for the camera360v2 and when I hit full render I see only black screen in the preview. I also see in the viewport ( Camera in sequencer False) for each cameras. What did I do wrong, I never had this difficulties rendering before updating to 5.1. Thanks :slight_smile:

Good afternoon!

City Sample is a rather confusing heavy project. Sometimes some things don’t work out.
There are some things you can check out:

  1. Please check in Deffered Rendering → Main Render → True
  2. Camera360v2 need added to scene;
  3. Press CTRL + ALT + DEL → And check Task Manager, find Unreal Engine → If you see Compileshader, then the shaders are compiled and you will have to wait.

During the first tests, I compiled 40000 shaders before normal rendering started. And this was all during the launch of Movie Render.

Try practicing on a small project to check all the steps.
The error is False, I need to check it, maybe I just forgot to remove the notifications :(Maybe not even related to this mode.

If you see a black screen and nothing happens, shaders may be compiled.

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Hi! I am so near of a good result :slight_smile: Im on 5.1 and some of my 6 cameras seams in the wrong place. Do you understand what is happening?
Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Please check CinemaCamera →

I have set up a project to try to understand how to use V2. I have set up to render Pathtracing. The pathtracing record widget mostly works. I get a nice render, but it is a little noisy. Because I am watching it on an Oculus, the noise becomes more pronounced.

I tried to render it using the Movie render Queue, but for some reason it is rendering out the wrong camera position and looks odd.

Nice plugin,looks so powerful. I have a question before purchase,i build a spline track for camera in runtime,and stored the camera position every frame, can i use this plugin to render a mp4 video? without open the editor. :slight_smile:

You need to run rendering with a closed editor, right? I can add this functionality, but there is no such possibility yet.

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NEWS. 09.12.2022 Update in Marketplace for Camera360v2.

  1. Automatic Added actor Camera360v2 , when using 6 task solution;

  2. Added version info panel;

  3. Fix mini problems.
    -Added correct variable for Level search.

    -Add crop for overscan size cameras (Just specify the dimensions of your images before applying Overscan Percentage)

  • Fix VR180 projection when converting.

If you see any problems, please let me know Lenina62-@mail.ru!

yes,all in runtime,at least render to Sequential picture

Thanks for adding the version information , this will definitely help with debugging.

I’m glad I liked the update.

I found error, when Activation Camera layer, 6 task solution not working if not activation render all cameras.
I’ll make corrections in a few days.
Recomended destroy node → Destroy Actor

Hi, I tried switching back to 2D projection after 360 path tracing. Now my all projects crashes at start after compiling shaders.
Now I am stuck and cant do anything
I have attached my crash log
Dascon.log (69.3 KB)