Hi ,

We’ve been using Camera_360_v1 in 4.27.2 to render Mono and Stereo 360º. It’s great!

However, we’ve come across a bug that affects the textures in the level.
We have the BP_Camera_point_360 and BP_Camera_Rec_360 in the level.
With them saved in the level, the level opens with low resolution textures on meshes/foliage/landscape.

To fix, all of the base color textures for the level need to be reloaded.

If I remove the 360 cameras from the level, save, close and reopen the textures/materials load no problem. (I also tried putting them in a sublevel).

Has this been reported before and if so is there a fix apart from reloading textures each time or disconnecting/reconnecting a 360 camera sublevel?

For reference we are using Perforce source control and the level we’re using is Mawi Redwood Forest from the marketplace: MW Redwood Trees Forest Biome in Environments - UE Marketplace


Thank you for your words.
Of course, the problem has long been solved.
All you need to do is
Open Project Settings → Find Texture Streaming → False , and restart engine.

1 Like

Hi ,

Awesome! Thanks so much for your quick reply and solution!
Excellent tool, thanks again.

A question, do you have a good tutorial that goes through all the options for HighResScreenShot output? With details for jpg, png and panoramic? On YouTube I see an older one that doesn’t include all these options.

Hmm, you see this tutorial? All solutions for rendering. I. Description timeline.

1 Like

Hi ,

I’m using Camera 360 V1 in 4.26 to render png sequence with Mono 360º format
But there’s some clear seams in the images,
How can i fix it ?


Thank you very much!

Hi, Raysu0719!
Can you send me your scene? Is it difficult for me to navigate by the picture? My mail . I will check and tell you what problem.

Hello ,

I am using Cesium Global Data set to create a large city scene. I want to capture an aerial 360. When I click on “play” button, the capture plugin starts to render, but cesium 3d tile sets are not yet finished loading yet.

Is there a way to delay the render on click over “play” button, so that it can allow cesium to load tilesets and then the rendering work can start ?

Please guide on how can I do this.

Many thanks.

1 Like

Shure, you can try next step:

  1. Add Camera Rec 360 to your Sequence and add to Camera Cut
  2. Changes in Camera Rec 360 actor. Find variable ScreenShot_Rec and change to Expose to Cinematics
  3. Open Sequence and select Camera Rec 360 → Add Track → ScreenShot_Rec
  4. Change Start frame for Rec. Example to frame start 20 or more.

    This will work for the mode PNG System.

For JPG sequence. You need using RecJPG?

Solution 1 - JPG System+Sequencer: https://youtu.be/xEYYolY2HdM?t=1
Solution 2 - PNG system+Sequencer: https://youtu.be/xEYYolY2HdM?t=257
Solution 3 - JPG or PNG system + rendering in GameMode: https://youtu.be/xEYYolY2HdM?t=468

If any question you can write to me mail

NEWS 025.05.2022. Fix update quality for PNG and Camera Rec 2D solutions.
I was able to determine the reason for the poor quality of images in UE5 obtained using these systems.
Now this problem has been fixed.
The update has been submitted for approval.
Camera Rec 2D and Camera Point 2D.

PNG system.

Camera Rec 2D solution.

PNG system:

If you find any errors, be sure to let us know.

After rendering, the Screen Percentage value changes to 100%. When working with TSR smoothing, 56% is usually used, you can manually return the values.

NEWS 25.05.2022. I found that after rendering, performance is very much lost.
I’m postponing this update for now.
For now, I’ll just publish a solution for you that will help you improve the quality.

  1. Open Project Settings and find viewport resolution
  2. You need the Minimum resolution Viewport value. And try to change the values to the ones you need.


  1. If you see low quality screenshots in png system.
    [SUPPORT] CAMERA 360 System - #918 by Ivan_Elizarov

  2. If you see Blured in UE5. In Movie Render you need check Disabled Multisample effect.

    If you using FullPostProcess in CustomRender.

You can look tutorial.

Hello, I just purchased and testing Camera 360 on a demo map. I tried 2 of the solutions you listed above to try to remove VFX seams from the 360 render. I tried changing the Cascade to ENM Spherical/Cylindrical but it had no effect. Then I replaced the cascade particles with a similar niagara particle system but that didn’t work either. What am I doing wrong?

Hi, cejoe!
Thanks for the purchase.
Please send your particle to , need look!

I am getting these lines in my render. How to get rid of it?

I have just returned from vacation, I can respond to emails more quickly.
I think you’re using particles to create smoke.
Please check this solutions

Hi!. First of all, great plugin, have been using it for a couple of projects!!.
I have a question/issue. I know that in 360 everything regardin screen space like fog will generate seams. But when using de 180 Dome Stereo and 240, the same seams appear. Shouldnt it only be one single longitudinal cut using this format? Meaning only one seam should appear instead of a cube of seams?

Hi, Grabzz!
In fact, FullDome mode also uses multiple cameras for rendering, for this reason, seams may be visible.
I checked what causes the seams in FOG. Try changing the Directional Light settings → Light Shaft Occlusion and Bloom > False.
You can send image, i look ?

Hi, what is the difference between Stereo 360 in CameraV1 and CameraV2?

Are the Stereo360 quality and post processing support of V2 better than those of V1?

If V2’s Stereo 360 is better than V1, I will consider buying V2

Sorry for the bad english :frowning:

I recomended Camera360v2.
Camera360v2 has a completely different approach to rendering.
Rendering targets are not used. It is also possible to render the alpha channel and layers. Watch this video tutorial.

Please check quality rendering if using Camera360v2 (not pathtracing)

Also using PathTracing you get the correct stereo using all the possibilities of path tracing.
Result PathTracing:

Text tutorial:


And all the rendering methods of Camera360v1 are also supported, since it is also included in the package.

Thanks Reply!
Last question to ask
Is there a workaround for the bottom distortion of Stereo360 in V2?

Because it’s important to me that the bottom is not twisted
