NEWS 04.07.2022. Mini update for UE5.
Added Flag effects for Camera Rec 360 actor.

After clicking apply effects, you will immediately have the selected effects applied.
For example, anti-aliasing and motion blur.

I’m trying to do a movie render queue, but there’s a problem with the foliage.
It works well in preview, but when you do a movie render queue, some parts are broken and it becomes a render.
can you tell me the solution?

Try check all values in Movie Render, Game Overrides

Please send email for me to

Hi ! Hope you are well!

I’ve been trying to render out a scene depth custom render pass using the Camera 360 v1 system and I am noticing some artifacts in the renders around the edges of the geometry. I notice these when I increase the exposure on the depth pass in After Effects.

I made a new simple scene with the basic floor and a sphere and compared the renders from a conventional CineCamera with the Camera 360. They’re both using the same anti-aliasing settings and same post process depth material. The CineCamera looks fine but the Camera 360 still has the edge issue. I tried many different combinations of anti-aliasing methods, sample counts, different post-process material depth ranges, rendering with and without the tone curve applied, and manually disabling a bunch of image effects on both the render camera and the six individual scene capture components. They all still show the edge issue on the Camera 360.

Here are my test images of the CineCamera renders compared to Camera 360. I am using the Dome_180 projection method on the Camera 360 blueprint and the “Quality(Texture Size)” parameter is set to 4096.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Please send this scene for me at And I’ll check!
And please update and added last Camera360 for your project.
And check TAA activation.

Thank you ! I have just sent you an email.

I had a question before committing to purchasing this system. My goal is to export VR180 stereo video from UE5 and edit it together with other VR180 stereo footage in Premiere Pro. Has anyone done this? How challenging/messy is it? Any insight is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

I am a plugin developer. I am almost always online, you can write to me directly to my mail

Tell us more about your project and VR180 stereo mode. I can send you examples of VR180 stereo. So you can check the questions you are interested in.

Thank you for your reply! Is this the correct email address? My emails aren’t going through.
Thank you,

Sorry, please again





[2022.04.15-05.12.31:052][181]LogWindows: Error: === Critical error: ===

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:052][181]LogWindows: Error:

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:052][181]LogWindows: Error: Fatal error!

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:052][181]LogWindows: Error:

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:053][181]LogWindows: Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION writing address 0x000001f2db0e89a0

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:053][181]LogWindows: Error:

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:053][181]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff860d214d3 VCRUNTIME140.dll!UnknownFunction []

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:053][181]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff83319fc5e UE4Editor-AudioMixer.dll!UnknownFunction []

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:053][181]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff83319b7ef UE4Editor-AudioMixer.dll!UnknownFunction []

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:053][181]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff834125e70 UE4Editor-AudioMixerCore.dll!UnknownFunction []

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:053][181]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff8341275b8 UE4Editor-AudioMixerCore.dll!UnknownFunction []

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:053][181]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff8341274c2 UE4Editor-AudioMixerCore.dll!UnknownFunction []

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:053][181]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff81f24ff0b UE4Editor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction []

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:054][181]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff81f247050 UE4Editor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction []

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:054][181]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff86afc7034 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:054][181]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff86c402651 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:054][181]LogWindows: Error:

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:054][181]LogWindows: Error: Crash in runnable thread AudioMixerRenderThread(1)

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:403][181]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:404][181]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:404][181]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExitWithStatus(1, 3)

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:404][181]LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: Win RequestExit)

[2022.04.15-05.12.31:410][181]Log file closed, 04/15/22 13:12:31

想向您请教为什么会发生这样的事情呢? 希望可以尽快的得到您的回复。谢谢您。

This error you see in 4.27 or UE5 release?
And tell me please, you using Camera360v1 or Camera360v2?

I want to get rid of the seams in Scene Depth

There is no seam in the final color but
Occurs in Scene Depth.

This method does not work either.
Is there any other way?
Please Help me :disappointed_relieved:

Hi, ara_graphic1 , you mean this?

I’ll see what I can do today. But apparently this is due to the fact that the screen space of the screen is used for depth.

Update: This depth effect has such seams, I have not yet found a solution how to fix it.

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Hi, Please can we get some confirmation on whether or not this plugin currently supports Lumen?

At the moment I am able to get renders out but they have clear seams where the images have been stitched:

Hi, dc_cassette!
Please send your scene for me, to mail .
I check standart scene and lumen, and result.

But unfortunately, the global lumen lighting uses the screen space to create an effect and you can observe the seams.

You try solution path tracing in your scene?

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I have another question.
Why is the top bottom debug different?

thanks. we will look into using the path tracer as this may be a better overall solution for us anyway

Apparently I saved the wrong location of the materials. Open the Actor Camera Raw 360 → and select the projection as in the picture. Please make the materials as shown in the picture.