[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

NEWS 02.16.2022. Note: Lumen and UE5.
Today I checked how Lumen works in UE5, and so far Lumen is not the best solution for rendering, but it works.
For example, I have done tests of several solutions:
Camera360v1 - solution tutorial Tutorial 28. Path Tracing 360. Camera Point 2D and Camera Rec 2D. - YouTube
Result (original files): DropMeFiles – free one-click file sharing service

Camera360v1 - using this solution Tutorial 5. New update. 6 task solution + Movie Render - YouTube
Result (original files): DropMeFiles – free one-click file sharing service
Lumen uses screen space, and when we render each camera (which is 6 cameras) we rotate all the cameras, we get seams due to rotation differences.

I read that Lumen will improve, but it’s hard to say what will happen next. For now, the best solution is to use Ray tracing.

But sometimes the seams are not so noticeable and it is enough to choose the best angle, or process it in a graphic editor and remove the seams manually.
I am still exploring options for solutions to eliminate seams, so I hope I can achieve better results.

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