Hello everyone, for some reason the box poi is displayed very bright and incorrectly, what could be the reason
@KarlDetroit Please can you solve this
Hi Karl, can you explain how to change or load more images to the button gallery. thank you for sharing your knowledge
Any chance you could make a small video ? no idea how you got certain options and to what you are connecting it…
Have you got the solution?
Is there any chance the project will update the input to enhance input method?
Depends On your Post Process Setting
Hello, I have a problem with BP_Info_Widget. When I select any of the objects In “Surroundings” and a widget with information appears on the right side of the window, I cannot scroll through the text either with the mouse or with the cursor. In the settings I tried to activate the “Consume Mouse Wheel”, but I encountered a problem in the show animation (on the picture), how can I solve this?
I am getting issue where the sorting of the list inside all the sections is not done in ascending order. How can I sort this out ?
hello @wendelld if you find the solution let me now plz
Hello @KarlDetroit how to switch between more than one Explorer main pawn? to manipulate each building alone. thank you so much sir.
(post deleted by author)
or just between 2 or 3 section view initial volumes