Solved : Cant Enable RayTracing in UE5 (gtx 1060)(Nvidia Pascal)

The one from this post works in 5.2.1


One month later and still no proper dllā€¦

PS. 53% of NVIDIA user base donā€™t have RTX GPU, yet for some reason Epic Games DGAF about them (us). They couldā€™ve left PT enabled for the GTX users or provided the necessary dll, butā€¦

Is there a way to make a linux version of the .so?

If someone were to recompile the DLL for version 5.3, I believe numerous individuals in this community would greatly appreciate its availability here.


5.3, path tracing is working.
Lumen seems not work, it switching to software tracing
UnrealEditor-D3D12RHI.dll (2.2 MB)
ConsoleVariables.ini (10.2 KB)


Thanks you. In my case everything works just fine with your dll.

PS. By the way, you have a ā€œmistakeā€ in your ā€˜ConsoleVariables.iniā€™ file - you forgot to remove the semicolon and enable emulated ray tracing :wink:


All works fine at 1660s in ue 5.2.1 editor, but not work when i run exe packaged project, in logs i see rtx disabled again((
On another machine with 3060 all works nice, but broken lightning on 1660s

Ray tracing is disabled because D3D12 ray tracing tier 1.1 is required but only tier 1.0 is supported.

Maybe need to modify D3D12Core.dll or something else?(

Have you checked if all of the proper settings and cvars are enabled in the packaged project (like enabling emulated ray tracing etc.)?

Where is this settings? I pack project with default dev config that works in editor on 1660s, but emulated rtx not work on builded project exe on the same machineā€¦

In engine folder UnrealEditor-D3D12RHI.dll replaced and r.D3D12.DXR.AllowEmulatedRayTracing=1 added to ConsoleVariables.ini

also added to EngineDirectory/Engine/Config/BaseEngine.ini and ProjectDirectory/Config/DefaultEngine.ini, but not helpsā€¦

Hi @fhnb16 ,
This was discussed in a past post
Solved : Cant Enable RayTracing in UE5 - ray tracing tier 1.1 is required

A couple of broken links to github and zero information, I didnā€™t understand anything, everything works in the editor (because dll replaced, thanks to this thread <3), but in the exe build it doesnā€™t workā€¦
I read this thread and not found modifyed D3D12Core.dll or another solution for shipping builds that works on 10xx series cards with rtx tier 1.0ā€¦

Thatā€™s weird. Have you tried other versions of UE5?

Hey John Dow could you upload the corrected .ini file please. Iā€™m looking at the custom 5.3 ConsoleVariables.ini and I donā€™t see anything wrong with them like the semicolon you are mentioning. Yet when switching from 5.2 with the custom 5.2 .dll and .ini file to 5.3 with the new custom 5.3 .dll and .Ini file Im noticing some significant changes to lighting on the same project. Iā€™m hoping its as simple as the .ini file having an error I cant see. Its possible Its changes to the lighting made in 5.3 But Iā€™m hoping its not and would love to be able to rule that out before making any changes.

@AndrewPFJR Hi, I donā€™t have access to my PC with UE5 at the moment, but here is the ā€œmistakeā€ in his ConsoleVariables.ini - the very last line should be:

; pathtracing enabling

He had a semicolon before that last command hence it was disabled. I donā€™t know whether that command still works or not, but it is good to have it enabled because this command, quote: ā€œAllows ray tracing emulation support on NVIDIA cards with the Pascal architectureā€.

After a lot of investigation the code has


UE_BUILD_SHIPPING is used in packaging this resulted in lots of code changes to the binary one main one being the removed code of the patch as its part of the debug which is removed for shipped package rtx 3xxx works as it has support.
There are many UE_BUILD_SHIPPING definition that need to be changed . without the hardware to test this . i cannot attempt to alter the code.

WindowsD3D12Device.cpp Line 126

Controls whether D3D12 experimental shader models should be allowed. Not available in shipping builds


@JohnDow Yep it appears that was the problem thanks for the help!

thank you very much this worked for me

thankss very much this worked for me

Appleā€™s favorite company Epic Games has released Unreal Engine 5.4. Preview 1. Has anyone with GTX card tried it yet? If so, has anyone tried compiling proper dll files to enable ray tracing / path tracing?

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