Luoshuang's GPULightmass

Hi All,
I have discovered a new packaging problem in the D3D12adapter.cpp (DirectX D12) when attempting to package LGPU baked projects for GTX adapters.

The way around this for everyone was to bake and package using the Direct X11.
Several symptoms occur, the main one being that the picture is dark, blotchy etc when using DirectX 12.

The normal question is works in UE Editor but exe wont run correctly and looks like the baking/cooking has failed, on Nvidia GTX 10xx card. The reason the code was put in D3DX12 was to remove debug code and enhance performance of Direct X12.

This packaging problem was first discovered in path tracer for GTX cards.
I am putting in a cross reference to my post,

Solved : Cant Enable RayTracing in UE5 (GTX10xx) DX12 packaging problem

Epic GPULlightmass potential packaging problem

The problem for Epic GPULightmass using DXR, is you cannot switch to DX11, because DXR is only available using r.D3D12.DXR.AllowEmulatedRayTracing for “Allows ray tracing emulation support on NVIDIA cards with the Pascal architecture”.