Luoshuang's GPULightmass

Yeah, I saw it, but it’s a 25GB download if I’m looking the correct link, right? I wouldn’t know what to do with it, so better I will wait, them. I was just trying to help, if you needed it.


hi @Miguel1900 , @Ozykz @cvmabreu @Boahene_Michael @cretzsf @Olegsbr @AmrSrour @Unreal_ArchViz @Austin_Amkay and all

Announcing the LGPU 5.3 binary patches for Epic Unreal 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 Binary

GPULightmass-5-3-1-BIN-patch/README.MD at GPULightmass-5-3-BIN-patch · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-5-3-1-BIN-patch (

Many thanks go to the GitHub Support Team for giving me the way and the command to patch my GitHub 5.3-preview repository with the Epic final 5.3.1 release repository where my LGPU Modifications are preserved.

In past the GitHub Support Team have shown me how to take the initial commit for LGPU for 5.0.0 into a branch and into a repository.

I have extensively tested my source built LGPU 5.3.1. I am currently testing with @Miguel1900 updated version available above on the Epic Binary 5.3.1

Thanks again Many thanks go to the GitHub Support Team
Here is my first picture in Lighting Quality HIGH, BaseLightmass.ini set to High. You need to download picture to see the shadows at the back
This run was on a Nvidia GTX1050 with ray tracing off


Thank you @Jimbohalo10 !

Just tested (even if I’m not really using UE5 until UE5.4 or 5.5) and it woks quite well. It just seems to be a little more warm (lighting) and little less bouncy. Oh, and a little slower too (from 2:45mins to 3:45).

PS: By the way, did you mention the performance in UE5.4 was stunning, or something like that, however?

Hi @Miguel1900,
With 5.4 Development binary is mine is compiled as a optimized shipped with no debug, but more importantly my old GTX1050 took over 8 hours on 5.3 and 7.1 hours on 5.4, so your taking 3:45, an extra 60 seconds make me very envious😢

The reason for the longer time is the Lighting Quality HIGH and the changes to in BaseLigntmass.ini to HIGH. Because my graphics card is so slow I can see a very big difference in processing time from Preview also this might be the reason for the warmer picture, but GTX graphics card are know to be darker as they dont have hardware raytracing.

I have just tried using Lighting Quality set to Production and instead of increasing the total time the ETA is half the time of Lighting Quality set to High. Looking at the final picture there seems little difference

Oh, wow! That’s a huge amount of time. Ensure yourself to disable Realtime in viewport, so this may reduce the performance. Anyway, Epic should obsequiate you with an RTX card :slight_smile:

But good to know that 5.4 will be faster.

EDIT: Oh, I was wrong with my tests. For some reason, the times was not correct, I don’t know why. I have tried now, twice every version (4.27 and 5.3), and it takes almost the same time to complete (Production, 64 and 32 samples in ini settings): 1:45s-1:46, so it’s so great the time does not increase and it still keeps its good performance!

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Hi All,
Looking for a new challenge for 5.3.1 LGPU binary went back to the old days in April 2018 just near the beginning the was a post about Simplified Sun Temple.

To see how far LGPU has come, compare the old picture to the Light Quality of Production for the full Epic Sun Temple sample converted by binary 5.3.1 and LGPU 5.3.1 . Download to see Production Quality whilst playing in UE Editor. If you use Preview Quality build will take 20% longer and the floor will have reflection ripple nears the pot of hot coals.

Hi @Jimbohalo10 , many thanks to you for the updated LGPU for 5.3.1 version!
I just downloaded it, but I made a mistake and updated UE to the 5.3.2 version just now :upside_down_face: But anyway I changed the Binare files from your 5.3.1 version in to the new 5.3.2 version and tried to backe the lights and it is working ))) I hope that make scense.

Hi all,
LGPU 5.3.1 onward does NOT support Nanite Landscape. LGPU still support Nanite as it has before but this NEW 5.3 Nanite Landscape feature will cause Lightmass to crash with an Assertion failed error.

Attempting to add the same material twice with different export settings, this is not (currently) supported

This may be the same for CPU Lightmass or Epic Lightmass.

When you attempt to “Build Lighting” you will
The Warning error message is:-

[2023.11.08-17.51.07:387][359]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: ExportSettings == *ExistingExportSettings [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\Lightmass\Lightmass.cpp] [Line: 546]

Attempting to add the same material twice with different export settings, this is not (currently) supported

The obvious fix for this is to DISABLE (untick) Enable Nanite in the Landscape Detail box.

hi @Olegsbr,
I have just tried the LGPU 5.3.1 patch and it works on 5.3.2 as well. What a result!


Hi guys!
Ive trying to find a way out from this issue. No matter what I try - nothing work.
I try to bake a directional light as a static light and this issue comes out. No matter what settings i’ve been used for directional light like source angle or softsource radius - nothing help. This bad gradient issue goes every time with a cage like meshes or meshes that have been crossed. The only way out is use the stationary direction light but in that way static shadows are become like a moveable - and build in realtime so it acts in performance.
Also I’ve noticed that stationary objects do not cast shadows at all in stativ or stationary directional light.
I’am using UE 5.3.1 LGPULM. The lightmap resolution is very high and has a good quality. And the Lightmass Settings is 64/32.
Any help will be appreciated! Many thanks in advance!

hi @Jimbohalo10 ! This is amazing )))

Hello, where can I download the version for UE 5.3.1

I would be grateful if you share the link (I couldn’t find it at the very top of the forum)

hi @Stepan3303 ,
The post Wont appear at the top as it would have to have more than 370 views!.
The posting and the link is
LGPU 5.3.1/5.3.2 binary announce post


I didn’t really understand what you were talking about because I use a translator and sometimes it doesn’t translate quite correctly

could you share the download link?

jimshalo10/GPULightmass-5-3-1-BIN-patch (
Click the “code” button to download Zip file.
The copy and paste the into your translator.

What Language do you want the in as I can use Google Translate to convert the instructions

Thank you, I downloaded the necessary files, maybe this link will be useful to someone

Hi @Jimbohalo10 thanks for ur great effort…anyway…i found some critical problems here :

  1. before using LHGPULM i tried doing some bake scene using native GPULM with “epic” setting, and whats happen is …lightmass not bake correctly…

  2. its happen also when using Luos UE 5.3.2 GPULM (HIGH o EPIC scalability setting)

  3. but its works well when downgrade scalability into “MEDIUM”…wierd
    (see the picture using super simple scene)

  4. So after struggle with tons of setting, i rollback using UE4.27.2, and the result just like what i expected…working well…

Q : is that because of my machine (i7 3,6 GHz, RTX 2070 Super using new Studio Driver, RAM 32 GB) ? or UE 5.3.2 setting?..Why its only happen with UE5.3.2 version only?
is there anyone 've the same experience???

Thanks …

I think scalability settings are not related with the baking process. Have you done it in Production quality?

Probably, when in Epic, you are “loading” Lumen, which may be not accesible in Medium, so you are hidding all baked lightmaps. Try to disable Lumen in your project. The best way usually is deleting the DefaultEngine.ini file and reopening the project.

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Hi @Miguel1900 …thanks for fast response…
Yes… i already push bake limit into “production level”…still not success to reach the correct bake (only if I using "EPIC or CINEMATIC scalability…please see comparation pics)…
but success using scalability setting “MEDIUM”

i’ll try delete DefaultEngine.ini …


i hope there s any solution for this case…

Hi @Miguel1900 , i try delete the DefaultEngine.ini as you recommended…
and guess what…everything works now :wink: …thanks Bro.