Luoshuang's GPULightmass

I’ve updated the Adaptive Hemisphere Sampler of GPULightmass’s Brute Force GI Engine. Please redownload.

Also there are some screenshots of Brute Force (GPULightmass) vs Irradiance Caching (Lightmass, default production quality):
2min50s (GTX1080) vs 8min10s (i7-6700k), Simplified SunTemple
If you look at the timings only then it is not very impressive. However the quality has a big difference. If you want to tweak Lightmass parameters so that it prduces same quality images as GPULightmass then I believe it’ll be at least 10x slower:

The downside is GPULightmass has noise while Irradiance Caching has ‘built-in’ smoothing. While a denoiser is definitely on the plan, I’m still working on the sampling algorithm to get better quality samples.

Edit 04/14/2018: I made some changes to the sampler to suppress the artifacts on the wall: