I’ve updated the Adaptive Hemisphere Sampler of GPULightmass’s Brute Force GI Engine. Please redownload.
Also there are some screenshots of Brute Force (GPULightmass) vs Irradiance Caching (Lightmass, default production quality):
2min50s (GTX1080) vs 8min10s (i7-6700k), Simplified SunTemple
If you look at the timings only then it is not very impressive. However the quality has a big difference. If you want to tweak Lightmass parameters so that it prduces same quality images as GPULightmass then I believe it’ll be at least 10x slower:
The downside is GPULightmass has noise while Irradiance Caching has ‘built-in’ smoothing. While a denoiser is definitely on the plan, I’m still working on the sampling algorithm to get better quality samples.
Edit 04/14/2018: I made some changes to the sampler to suppress the artifacts on the wall: