Hey, yesterday I updated to 5.2 and ever since that my smart object system seems to be broken, whenever i stop the simulation, the engine crashes, if i quit the packaged game the game freezes and crashes.
the following error “Assertion failed: OwnerController->GetPawn() [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\GameplayBehaviorSmartObjects\Source\GameplayBehaviorSmartObjectsModule\Private\AI\AITask_UseGameplayBehaviorSmartObject.cpp] [Line: 271]”
Some additional information, the crash only happens if the user exits the game / editor while the AI is performing the task, and the behaviour not ended yet
I guess they aren’t planning on ever fixing this then…that sucks because I invested a lot of time into this only to find out that they don’t plan on ever fixing it. The problem is that this issue makes Smart Objects basically Useless. You can not ship a game with something that Legit Crashes the entire game when they try to either load a new level, go back to the main menu, or quit the game.
I would bet that someone just loaded up a map, dropped one in there and said “Oh, well I guess I can’t reproduce it!” without ever realizing they were never even on a World Partitioned Map lol.