End simulation during "Use Claimed Gameplay Behavior Smart Object" Node crashes editor

  1. Go to Epic Games\UE_5.2\Engine\Plugins\Runtime and move the “GameplayBehaviorSmartObjects” to your Plugins project folder.

  2. If you don’t have the Plugins folder, create one in the project root folder.

  3. Go to GameplayBehaviorSmartObjectsModule\Private\AI\AITask_UseGameplayBehaviorSmartObject.cpp - UAITask_UseGameplayBehaviorSmartObject::Abort, comment out check(OwnerController->GetPawn()); and add if (OwnerController->GetPawn()) check before the AbortBehavior.

  4. Do the same in UAITask_UseGameplayBehaviorSmartObject::OnGameplayTaskDeactivated and add a nullptr check on line 204

In case the problem still persists, check your Build.cs and remove “GameplayBehaviorSmartObjectsModule” from the PublicDependencyModuleNames.

With these changes your project should use the custom plugin from the project Plugins folder and the plugin will no longer crash the editor on game stop. However, in case of the plugin updates you have to update it manually until they fix the issue.