Skeletal Mesh Rigid Bodies Stuck/Sleeping If it hasn't moved in a while

I have a skeletal mesh with simulated rigid bodies to simulate the movement of hair, chest, etc. If these bodies haven’t moved in a while, they freeze, and if you move the skeletal mesh, the simulated rigid bodies remain frozen in the air. You can see the bug in action in the video.

For those of you in the same boat as me, a temporary fix for this issue is to call “Wake All Rigid Bodies” every tick, as this prevents the simulated rigid bodies from sleeping. This isn’t ideal for performance however, because it’s running on tick. Anyone know of a better fix?

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Hello! What are the sleep settings for that bone in the physics asset associated with the skeletal mesh?

Seems like it doesn’t matter, once you have set the sleep family to custom, you can set the sleep threshold multiplier with a 0, 0,0001, 500, 9999999 and it doesn’t change the fact bodies will sleep after being completely stopped, and it doesn’t matter the sleeping bodies are constrained, it will just ignore all motor forces, so if you are simulating breast, arms, belly, thighs, anything that could be simulated to add realism, and at some point the character is stoped for time enought to let bodies stop moving, chaos will put these to sleep, they will be stucked in the air for ever even if the character walks away.

The only workaround I have found too is using wakeAllRigidBodies function every tick…

I’m having this same problem. Imported a setup from UE4 which had no issues there. As soon as the bodies go to sleep they just stay frozen in that position for me no matter what. I can confirm your workaround works for me… but yeah there has to be something better right?

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Can someone please fix this. Is driving me crazy.

This is a better workaround:

custom physics material with sleep linear/angular velocity set to 0


Thanks a lot ^^

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