I’ve discovered a bug for ladders. While you’re climbing the ladder, you can turn the character other direction, which looks odd, he looks as if he’s suspended in the air.
Replication is easy.
Just climb a ladder, let’s say that has “Ladder direction=right”
While climbing turn the character left, he does turn. He shouldn’t
What’s the best way to stop a character turning while he’s climbing?
Sorry, I couldn’t reproduce on a clean project, so it must be related to one of my modifications.
On a side note, I can’t fire an custom event upon destroying a turret. OnDestroyedActor doesn’t work, any ideas?
I just want to fire a custom event when the player destorys a turret…What would be the best way to handle it in Level blueprint?
Hey Hamster - a new question for you (as I have been learning/digging into/experimenting with the SSSKit since I last commented here).
I have my characters “working” so far, so good - until this ERROR:
I don’t find this to be overwhelming. I find it to be exciting and challenging.
Since purchasing the kit, I have played around/experimented until I got the hang of it. Still learning the engine and game dev; however, I’m a fast learner.
Thank you for your post. It encouraged me to push through the unknown I faced at the time.
I did try that; however, it cannot be done as “==” node is not an enum.
Okay, I connected via a “byte to enum” node and that worked as far as compiling is concerned. I do not see anything referencing assault rifle though, just Top/Middle/Down/None
For the record, I did not manually disconnect these nodes.
Well this variable type is enum “weapon type” right? If so, drag a pin from it and type == to create compare node for that enum. Compare it with assault rifle. Then connect it to end node.
Really excited about this kit! Do you have any info on basic installation? When I create a project, Unreal won’t let me open it directly. When I copy the contents to my own, everything is messed up (controller is not working). Thanks.
Hey Hamster , Noob question coming your way: How do I have the character start with no weapons, and have him pickup the weapons as he finds them.
Main part is more important: how to start the character with no gun animation.
Is that animation in the template as i couldn’t find it when i searched.
Is the pickup of weapons possible?
Hey Hamster, I’ve followed the walkthrough fro the TPS kit, but its different and so theres no way to follow to match how to do it correctly: For instance:-
in the Blendposes there is no idle/Run to change it to work so easily.
as the player is always aiming. it doesnt wait for right click to aim.
is there a way you can do the the parts which are different for the side scroller?
If I sent you a clean sidescroller kit project (As proof of purchase) would you be able to send me an altered version of this kit? I want everything except I want to remove all depth aiming, cover mechanics, weapon systems in general including swapping weapons and ammo and stuff (I just want the base pistol weapon), dynamic material and material effects and anything related from the main player characters blueprint. I just want the main character with a single weapon on a basic mesh that can do sprinting, crouching, jumping, sliding, melee, stealth kills and aiming in a 2d space. Right now the character is crammed full of features I don’t want and I have to take them all into account if I want to change or implement my own systems into the character without breaking the blueprint…
Right now I’m having alot of difficulty removing all these things because everything is so closely connected and theres soo much code that I keep ending up with errors and breaking the blueprint (aswell as connected blueprints from the AnimBP to things like ladders and ledges- which I want). Would having a simplified version of the kit be possible?
I have this kit, and use it’s bp as reference. It’s easier to start from scratch if your building a game, and eventually costs less time. Honestly.
You can then migrate only the assets you want, and create new blendspace, and anim blueprint. So everything you only want will work.
You can delete them from the ABP., and side scroller character. You can change animations etc. Remove the inputs from project settings, and widgets.
But if you save, and compile before you finish removing absolutely everything. It will disconnect nodes, and throw errors in almost every blueprint.
As almost everything is using something.
Chances are youll be destroying projects to just start from scratch anyways, and use it as reference. As u can copy, and paste nodes, and functions into a new project.
It ends up being easier, and cleaner in the long run.