Side Scroller Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, QTE System & much more!

I understand what you’re saying, and I have a project from scratch on the side from what I’ve learned (In fact I’m still working that project until I can successfully remove the unwanted parts of this kit in another clean project)- but it’s painstakingly slow to make all these features, and making them work well, which is half the reason I brought this product- to save time on the foundation. This product allows me to get straight to work on meshes, animation, enemy AI, level creation, particle effects, materials, textures and all that good stuff that takes months and months on it own, while not having to worry about the implementation of the all basics, allowing for rapid prototyping and testing game play mechanics I want to implement to see if they help or hinder the project as a whole, giving me plenty of saved time to make changes and edits on what does and doesn’t work. I want to save time by creating a prototype before starting an absolute fresh project from scratch (Or continuing one, in this case).

I’m not asking for special or unique features, I just want to safely remove some of the more complex and intertwined behaviours that I won’t need without causing half the kit to stop working. I want to simplify the character blueprint to something not just more to what I need, but more to what I can work with, without the hundreds of variables, functions and Macros I won’t need filling up half the blueprint. The kit itself is not and issue, it’s great- well worth it’s price, and I’m not complaining about it at all, I’m just asking if it’s possible to ‘dumb it down’ to my level. I can’t just migrate what I want because I want everything besides the features found in the main character… so I’ld be migrating the entire project besides the main character… which most of the blueprints rely on in the first place. I appreciate your input but it doesn’t help my current situation. I’m strapped for time and this is not my job, it’s all my own personal time that I spend on these projects and I can’t just make more time for myself. This is my time saver aswell as my learning resource.

I see. Then you have to change animations (without weapon holging) in ABP_Mannequin for variables Run Backward/Forward Anim and Crouch Walk Backwards/Forward Anim
because as you mention, blendspace is not used therem, only animation sequences.

Side Scroller Shooter Kit is now on Summer sale!

Today I’ve send update for 4.17, so it should be live in few days.

Hello, I have a noob question. I’m a designer and I have bought this kit so that I would have a basic side scroller character, that I can build my environments around and experiment/demo. I’m not looking to incorporate shooting at all for my demo purposes.
Keeping in mind that I’m very new to Unreal and to the blueprints, Is there an easy way that I can disable aiming entirely? I would like the character to run forward/backward/crouch with his hands down, instead of in the aiming position.
Please if you could instruct me to the solution ELI5(Explain like I’m 5) as I’m a complete beginner, I’d be very grateful :slight_smile:

P.S. Please let me know if I’m not clear in my question. thanks

I think you just need to change animations for running (using blend space) and hide weapons at start/have hidden by default. I think this tutorial should help you.

Compatibility with UE 4.17 is now live.


I was able to change the running animation using “third_person_IdleRun” blend space… But I don’t have such blendpace for crouching, just animations. so when changing the crouching animation sequence with a modified animation, it doesnt work…
so the character runs with his hands down and gets back to aiming position as soon as you crouch…
Thanks in advance for help :slight_smile:

I have another question regarding movement. I want the character to move a lot slower than the default speed…
I have changed the speed and disabled sprinting(as I don’t need this) so the character walks at the right speed right now but he speeds up again after you press jump…
Is there any setting to disable his speed increase after the jump? Setting sprint speed and sprint fly speed to 0 doesn’t affect this behavior…

Today I’ve send update for UE 4.18 so it should be online soon. Changelog:
Enabled APEX destruction plugin

You have to make same blend space like for running, just copy IdleRun blend space and replace there correct animation.

There is small issue that is already fixed in 4.18 - In character BP look for Set Max Walk Speed - you will find there that couple instances where speed should be taken
from variable, it’s actually set to 600, that’s why it resets speed. Pin there Max Walk Speed variable. Sorry for the issue.

---------- UE 4.18 Update ----------

Side Scroller Shooter Kit is now compatible with UE 4.18, but for some reason Epic didn’t include project file (.uproject) to package.
I’ve already send e-mail about this.
For now anyone working on 4.18 - you can download alone project file from here - Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online. - and project should work fine.

Sorry for inconvenience

Hi, I already posted on the marketplace but figured this was a better place to post updates.

I used this project for the first time in 4.18 and used your link to get the project file. I went via the ‘create new project’ option in the library.

‘Out of the box’ in 4.18 none of the key bindings were defined, and only the mouse aiming worked (and only up and down in depth shooting mode, though I haven’t yet figured out if that’s just a setting). Subsequently, I manually defined the key bindings, and they now (mostly) work. It may be that I missed an obvious trick (I just loaded the levels individually and played them directly rather than going through any game interface - not that I’ve found how to do that yet) but maybe the 4.18 build isn’t quite right.

There were also some non-game breaking compile errors (e.g. in BP-bullet) which I fixed by deleting the relevant bit.

Having played around for a while, I also find that the buttons and checkpoints aren’t triggering. The player and the objects are both set to generate overlap events, but those events don’t seem to get called. I don’t know if something changed with collisions in 4.18 (I’ve seen one thread on that already) or I just have things set up wrong for some reason.

I probably have enough working to be able to start developing my specific game, but I thought I’d flag that up in case it’s of use…


Ok, seems that the trigger components are set up differently for the checkpoint blueprint at least - fix seems to be to set all collision responses of the trigger component to Overlap (some/all were set to Ignore before).

(The collision test logic also seems a little different between e.g. checkpoint BP and the cover BP, FYI)

Edit: regarding the Button Panel, this may or may not be the correct fix, but in the OnComponentBeginOverlap(Trigger Box) test logic, I changed the test for component = character mesh to testing component = capsule component (and likewise for EndOverlap). Again, I have no idea if this is just a 4.18 thing or if my setup is somehow borked.

BP_Camera_change needed (I think) collision set to overlap and also the above change to the OnComponentBeginOverlap test logic (and EndOverlap etc).

BP_Vault_trigger already had the OnComponentBeginOverlap change mentioned above. I changed the collision to overlap but it didn’t seem to work yet.

Possibly other things need updating also…

---------- UE 4.18 Update ----------

It looks like package is also missing config files and you guys have errors even with project file, so I uploaded them - Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.

Just copy them in your config folder. This way you can work already on 4.18. If you guys still have a issues, please let me know. Version 4.18 has almost no changes. I’ve only enabled APEX destruction plugin, so basicly you can download for version 4.17 of Unreal and then covert it.

Thanks - all seems to be working fine now.

---------- UE 4.18 Update ----------

I’m happy to let you know that Epic updated the package for 4.18 and now everything should fine - all files are included. If you would have any issues, let me know.

Side Scroller Shooter Kit is now 50% off!

Just bought your kit the other night and it’s great! Thank you for this!

I would love to add local multiplayer. I managed to get a second player in the game, but the one thing that doesn’t work is moving player 2’s character left and right with the left stick. All of the other inputs for that player (including shooting) works for it. I’m pretty puzzled, and searching through the blueprints has been a bit overwhelming to figure out. May I please have some insight? Thanks again!

Thank you!
As far as I remember I didn’t make any specific crazy logic for walking left/right. It’s all in input binding in project settings. Maybe try assign different button for it.

Hmm very odd then. I tried assigning different buttons but it definitely seems tied to the blueprints, every other button mapped works properly for both players. Left/right only works for player 1 via the first controller or mouse/keyboard.