Hi there
A while ago I started working on Side Scroller Shooter Template for marketplace, featuring “in-depth” aiming, AI, QTE system, cover system and many more fetures.
In depth aiming is similar like in Shadow Complex but actually aiming changes to 3rd person shooter mode. It’s all done in blueprints.
Here’s a feature list and videos.
Marketplace site: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketp…er-shooter-kit
Documentation link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1…it?usp=sharing
Discord channel - ShooterKitSupport
Features level gameplay
Demo level gameplay
Example campaign, UI, options and save game framework
Major features:
**- Running forward
- Running backward
- Crouching
- Sprinting
- Jumping
- Slide
- Vault
- Melee attacks
- Side kick attack
- Ledge climb
- Crouching walk **
Gameplay and others:
**- Orienting character based on mouse position
- 3D Crosshair
- 2D aiming adjustable on mouse movement
- In depth aiming
- Shooting (while idle, running, jumping and crouching)
- Gun - assault rifle
- Gun - pistol
- Gun - shotgun
- Gun - silenced pistol
- Weapons change
- Gun recoil
- Decals on bullet hit points
- Dummy enemy
- Turret enemy
- Objects reacting to certain type of weapon
- Demo level
- Features level
- Deadly obstacles
- Simple checkpoint system
- UI (health, ammo, type of weapon)
- Main menu - (select level, options, quit)
- Launchpad
- Pickable items - (health, ammo)
- Elevator
- Contextual cover system for player
- Human AI
- Pathnode system for human AI
- Pathnode animation system for human AI
- Stealth kill
- Gamepad support for gameplay
- Ladder climbing
- Save game framework
- Pause Menu
- Laser sight
- Camera system - camera moving smoothly to destination when player enters trigger
- Flying bot enemy
- Flying pulsing plasma enemy
- Spawn drop component
- Loot objects
- Dissolve material function
- Exploding barrel
- Button panel with IK targeting
- Physical material which make noise and alert enemies
- Enemies are able to alarm each other
- Destroyable cover points and vault for AI
- IK targeting button panel
- Shield for enemies with autoregenerated health
- Surveillance camera
- Input icon changes dynamicly from keyboard to gamepad and vice versa
- Quick time events system **
Price: $69.99
4.12 patch 1 - now live - Changelog:
- AI - fixed bug when reseting current cover point actor reference while switching to patrol mode
- Player - cover system - fixed issue when player was exiting cover point while crouching. With very high FPS player’s character mesh could be relocated under the map a bit. This was due Z offset check function called in animation BP after cover exit.
4.13 compatibility update - now live - Changelog:
- Player - ladder climb - disabled hit reaction logic when player was leaving ladder from top. This caused issue when player get’s hit at that time.
- Main menu - added interaction component to main menu pawn - old interacting method with 3D widgets didn’t work as stated here https://answers.unrealengine.com/que...ng-in-413.html
- Animation blueprint - player and AI - deleted some cashed poses because they didn’t work for some reason
- Options - switched fullscreen option text from “on” to “off”. For some reason game always launched in window mode. Simple text switch fix that.
- Known issue - when player or character is placed in the world, he has bit skewed arms for some reason. In blueprint and game is OK so it’s not a real problem
- AI - fixed bug when reseting current cover point actor reference while switching to patrol mode
- Player - cover system - fixed issue when player was exiting cover point while crouching. With very high FPS player’s character mesh could be relocated under the map a bit. This was due Z offset check function called in animation BP after cover exit.
Tutorial by Steve Sierra how to add a new level to project: